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Prevent Osteoporosis with These 3 Foods

TEMPO.CO, JakartaOsteoporosis associated with bone loss and increased risk of fracture. You gradually begin to lose bone mass from the age of 35.


Sebuah laporan yang ditulis bersama oleh ahli gizi Dr. Carrie Ruxton menyarankan sejak pandemi dimulai, perkembangan tulang pada anak-anak telah terancam, meningkatkan risiko osteoporosis di masa dewasa. Menurut penelitian, makanan yang tepat dapat berperan besar dalam memperkuat tulang orang dewasa dan anak-anak.

"Tulang yang kekurangan vitamin, protein, mineral, dan olahraga dapat memiliki efek yang merugikan," ujar mereka, dilansir dari Express.


Setidaknya ada tiga makanan yang menurut mereka bisa mencegah osteoporosis sejak usia dini. Berikut daftarnya.

To help minimize risk porous bones, experts recommend the consumption of yogurt. Scientific modeling by the British Nutrition Foundation found adding yogurt daily can contribute to much-needed calcium levels.

Nutrient-dense foods are not only good sources of calcium, they are also a source of protein. Some yogurts are fortified with vitamin D, can also contain iodine, potassium, phosphorus, B vitamins. The nutritional value that yogurt provides for bone health has been recognized.

Foods high in magnesium
Another important mineral that must be considered in terms of bone health is magnesium. Magnesium is said to help control the PTH or parathyroid hormone which helps control blood calcium levels and prevent bone breakdown.

An excellent source of magnesium is green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, collard greens, spinach. Other rich sources of magnesium are nuts, such as Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts. Nuts also contain calcium, so they are a very nutritious snack.

Foods high in vitamin D
The main foods in bone health are those containing vitamin D. He suggests daily supplements are recommended throughout the year. Ignoring the need for vitamin D can worsen bone health because the nutrient is essential for the absorption of calcium from food.

Foods rich in vitamin D include salmon, mackerel, sardines, eggs, mushrooms, cereals, and yogurt. In addition to eating the right foods to improve bone health, exercise is also important. The right types of exercise are lifting weights, walking, running, jumping, playing basketball, tennis, climbing, and doing aerobics high-impact.

Also read: Similar but not the same, recognize the difference between Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis

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