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Prevent Diabetes with Tokopedia: Healthy Eating Tips and Trends in Indonesia

HELLO BUSINESS The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) states that the number of Indonesian people with diabetes in 2021 will be 19.47 million people. This number is expected to increase to 28.57 million people in 2045.

According to nutritionist Rachel Olsen, diabetes is caused by various factors, including genetics and lifestyle factors. “Diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels (blood glucose) are too high. “This condition can put a person at risk of experiencing various other health problems, so a healthier lifestyle, including adopting a healthy diet, is very important in order to reduce the risk of diabetes,” said Rachel.

“Welcoming World Diabetes Day 2023, Tokopedia continues to support people in adopting a healthier diet through various initiatives. One of these initiatives is Tokopedia NYAM! “where people can find and get food and drink products, including healthy food, from a number of local business actors in various regions in Indonesia,” said Category Development Senior Lead Tokopedia, Revie Jefta Akhwilla.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has made Indonesian people more aware of the importance of eating healthy. “This is proven by Tokopedia’s internal data which records that during the first semester of 2023, post-pandemic, the number of healthy food transactions, including fruit, vegetables and the like, reached more than 6 times compared to the second semester of 2019 during the pre-pandemic period,” explained Revie.

Deli Serdang (North Sumatra), Boyolali (Central Java), Makassar (South Sulawesi), Balikpapan (East Kalimantan) and Denpasar (Bali), are the areas with the highest increase in the number of healthy food transactions, including fruit, vegetables and the like with an average increase of an average of more than 22 times during the first semester of 2023, post-pandemic, compared to the second semester of 2019, pre-pandemic.

“Apart from that, the number of healthy food sellers on Tokopedia increased almost 3.5 times during the first semester of 2023, post-pandemic, compared to the second semester of 2019, pre-pandemic. “This means, even post-pandemic, business actors on Tokopedia can still gain momentum to sell healthy food products online,” added Revie.

Five Ways to Prevent the Risk of Diabetes
Welcoming World Diabetes Day 2023, Tokopedia through Revie with Nutritionist Rachel Olsen also shared five ways to implement healthy eating to prevent the risk of diabetes for people of various ages and backgrounds.

1. Increase your consumption of fruit and vegetables
“Fruit and vegetables are good sources of fiber, so they can help slow the absorption of sugar into the blood. “Choose fruit and vegetables that are low in sugar, contain antioxidants and minerals, such as avocado, papaya, apples, and slightly greenish bananas (not soft) and green vegetables,” suggested Rachel and Tokopedia.

“Various healthy food and beverage products, such as fruit and vegetables, experienced a significant increase in transactions during the first semester of 2023, post-pandemic, compared to the second semester of 2019, pre-pandemic. “For example, sales of avocados increased more than 1.5 times and transactions of broccoli vegetables increased more than 11 times,” explained Revie.

2. Limit carbohydrate consumption, choose protein that is low in fat
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, but to prevent the risk of diabetes you must limit their consumption. “Choose foods with complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index so that they are digested by the body slowly and do not cause blood sugar levels to rise drastically, such as brown rice, quinoa or oatmeal, sweet potatoes and cassava,” added Rachel with Tokopedia.

Quinoa is a food that contains complex carbohydrates, and can be a food choice to prevent the risk of diabetes. “Quinoa experienced a double increase during the first semester of 2023 during the post-pandemic period compared to the second semester of 2019 during the pre-pandemic period,” explained Revie.

Apart from limiting carbohydrate consumption, choose foods with low fat protein content, such as chicken breast, fish and nuts. “Protein-rich and diabetes-friendly food products are also selling well on Tokopedia. “For example, fish sales increased almost 6 times, while chicken breast sales increased more than 6 times during the first semester of 2023 during the post-pandemic compared to the second semester of 2019 during the pre-pandemic,” added Revie.

3. Set a regular meal and snack schedule
Arranging a regular meal and snack schedule can help keep blood sugar levels stable. “Consider setting a regular eating schedule of 3 times a day with 2 snacks in the morning and afternoon,” said Rachel with Tokopedia.

“Breakfast is very important, especially for those with diabetes. “Consume foods that don’t increase blood sugar in the morning, for example eating eggs, nuts, brown rice and many more,” added Rachel with Tokopedia.

4. Limit your intake of sweet foods and drinks
People with diabetes should limit their intake of added sugar by limiting sugar consumption to only around 25 grams per day. “Choose drinks without sugar and zero calories. “If you want to add sugar to drinks, then consider using natural stevia sugar in reasonable amounts,” explained Rachel with Tokopedia.

“Sales of skim milk, or low-fat milk, jumped more than 4.5 times. “There are also stevia sugar products, which are known to be more diabetes friendly, which have seen sales increase more than 10 times,” said Revie.

5. Exercise regularly
Exercise can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. “Sports that are good for people with diabetes, such as jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, zumba, pound fit, or sports combined with muscle strength training are highly recommended. “The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exercising for 150 minutes every week to strengthen muscle mass,” explained Rachel.**

To make it easier for people to access sports products, Tokopedia collaborates with a number of business actors in the sports sector through the Tokopedia Sportacular Shopathon campaign which contains a series of sports products with discounts of up to 70%. (HS)

2023-11-16 09:02:52
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