Jakarta (ANTARA) – Chairman of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Dr Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, SpA(K) suggested that children should have sufficient intake of animal protein and fiber from natural sources so that children do not eat low-nutrition snacks or junk food.
According to him, animal protein such as eggs and fish which are then processed into traditional foods such as boiled eggs, rendang and others as well as sources of fiber such as green vegetables and fruits include having a low glycemic index which means it makes a person full longer.
“Traditional food from real food will be filling, it will take a long time to be full and if it’s full for a long time it won’t snack (which is unhealthy),” said Piprim in an online media discussion, Tuesday.
Piprim reminds parents to introduce animal protein to their children from the time of complementary feeding (MPASI) because in addition to helping prevent children from becoming obese it also overcomes stunting or conditions of brain development and development of children who are hampered due to chronic malnutrition in the first 1,000 days of life (HPK). ).
Read also: Four ways to reduce “junk food” addiction
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The type of food itself is very influential on the behavior of overeating or overeating and obesity. Studies dating back 24 years involving children showed participants who were given foods with a high glycemic index, their blood sugar increased and fell rapidly. Likewise with insulin.
“Hunger index children who get food with a high glycemic index get hungry faster, so their cumulative energy intake is high. Meanwhile, children who are given food with a low glycemic index have a low hunger rating or don’t get hungry easily,” explained Piprim.
According to the Ministry of Health, the glycemic index (GI) is an indicator of how quickly or slowly the element of carbohydrates in food increases blood sugar levels in the body.
A study published through the JAMA Network in 2007 showed that foods with a high glycemic index significantly increase blood glucose levels, thereby increasing insulin demand. This condition can cause problems with the pancreas which can eventually lead to diabetes.
“The higher the glycemic index, the foods that are eaten immediately turn into sugar, such as instant oatmeal, milk. Junk food, ultra-processed food, which is high in sugar, apart from being harmful to health, can make children addicted,” said Piprim.
High glycemic index foods are also said to increase fat storage and increase the risk of obesity. In obesity, there is accumulation of fat due to excess calories in the form of fat.
Fat then accumulates in areas of the body that should not have fat such as the outer lining of the heart, in the heart and liver muscles which can lead to health problems such as heart and liver disease.
Also read: IDAI emphasizes that giving lots of food portions does not guarantee that children’s nutrition is fulfilled
Also read: IDAI: The movement to eat eggs and fish every day is effective in reducing stunting
Also read: Oaxaca authorities in Mexico prohibit “junk food” from being sold to children