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Pressure on wiretaps: 45 day limit. Iv votes with the majority, the other oppositions protest

Forzista’s bill approved in the Senate with 83 yes, 49 no and 1 abstention Pierantonio Zanettin which sets a deadline of 45 days for interceptions. The measure, strongly contested by the opposition, with the exception of Italia Viva which voted in favor of the text together with the majority, now passes to the Chamber for final approval.

The Zanettin bill in fact provides for limiting the period in which prosecutors can carry out wiretaps to 45 days, extendable only in very particular cases. Some crimes remain outside the norm, for example those involving organized crime.

Interceptions for a maximum of 45 days. Forza Italia gets the text into the Chamber with the help of Nordio

by Gabriella Cerami

The bill, in the single article of which it is composed, proposes to add the following period to article 267, paragraph 3, of the code of criminal procedure: “Interceptions cannot have a total duration of more than forty-five days, unless the absolute indispensability of operations for a longer duration is justified by the emergence of specific and concrete elements, which must be the subject of express justification”. Zanettin explains that the bill is the “third leg of the great wiretapping reform, born from the months-long investigation in the Justice Commission”. The first two tranches, he explains, were the ban on intercepting conversations between lawyer and client and the reform of the regulation of the seizure of smartphones and PCs, the subject of two other separate provisions already approved.

33 amendments signed by the opposition forces were presented in the Chamber, all of which were rejected. The senators of the M5S, with Scarpinato and Ada Lopreiatoprotest and reiterate how investigations into violence against women are also at risk, starting with the crime of stalking (“which lasts much longer than 45 days”). And even the Democrats contest the provision, speaking, as the group leader in the Justice Commission does, Alfredo Bazoliof “draconian terms. The cap on wiretapping is fine but the 45 day limit is too strict” because “this also puts murder investigations at risk”. The “number of 45 days – insists Bazoli – was chosen at random without any verification or investigation. It is a sensational trap” which puts at risk the “crimes of massacre, corruption, fraudulent bankruptcy and sexual violence”. Just to name a few. “Is it possible that we don’t realize the risks? It’s a poorly written, superficial text. Stop!”, is Bazoli’s appeal. For the senator Walter Verini “the changes and restrictions contained in the wiretapping bill deal a blow to the fight against crime”.

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