The discussion about management of social plans that divides the ruling party has Congress as one of its stages and precisely there deputies linked to popular movements launched a document to press for the treatment of the project to create a universal basic salary for those who are not in the formal labor market.
“We, from the deputies and deputies of the social movements, those who represent said popular movements in the Congress of the Nation, We believe that it is urgent that in the next session we begin to deal with issues that are very necessary for all workers and invisible workers of the social economy”, they stated in a statement.
Emilio Pérsico, ‘master’ of the plans and axis of discord between Alberto F and Cristina Kirchner
Among the firms are Juan Carlos Alderete (CCC), Natalia Souto de Barrios de Pie, Itaí Hagman, Natalia Zaracho, Federico Fagioliof the Great Fatherland Front, Leonardo Grosso and Eduardo Toniolli of the Evita Movement, and Veronica Calivaof the Labor and People’s Party.
The debate began with the proposal made by Vice President Cristina Kirchner at the event on June 20 at the CTA headquarters to address changes in the management of aid and pass part of the control to the provinces and mayors, to the detriment of the organizations.
In this context, it is that the referents linked to the movements They came out to defend the work and insisted on the request to discuss the project presented last May. but now it is more relevant.
The role of popular movements and social plans
“In the face of the debate that has arisen these days around the role of popular movements and the so-called social plans, we believe that from politics we must offer superior solutions that can synthesize the contradictions and solve the problems of our most vulnerable compatriots”, they indicate in the document.
Likewise, they insisted on “reclaiming the importance of popular movements in the construction of a better democracy, in the organization of workers in the popular economy, in the expansion of rights for the sector, in the creation of cooperatives and work groups in many branches of activity”.
Cristina is wrong in what she says because what many call plans we turned into work a long time ago.
We still forgive her because we love her and we know that she always defends the people.
We propose the Universal Basic Salary.
(1/4)– Natalia Zaracho (@Naty_Zaracho) June 21, 2022
In this context, they sought to defend their social role and highlighted that “popular movements are not outsourced forms of social assistance since they have accompanied access to land, housing and work where there was nothing to outsource because only exclusion prevails”, in direct response to Cristina Kirchner.
universal basic salary
The proposal contemplates granting a benefit equivalent to a basic food basket for an adult, today valued at $14,401, for those who are unemployed, for informal workers, family homes and social monotributistas.
Strictly speaking, it has not yet been included in any committee discussion agenda and does not have the endorsement of the Frente de Todos as a whole, so the “popular” legislators seek to force it to add it to the agenda.