Home » today » Business » Press vote: ‘Frankfurter Neue Presse’ on impatience in the corona crisis | 04/14/20

Press vote: ‘Frankfurter Neue Presse’ on impatience in the corona crisis | 04/14/20

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – “Frankfurter Neue Presse!” too impatient in the Corona crisis:

“While previous generations were mostly at home as a matter of course, today this is a difficult state of emergency for many. But if you complain about life at home as an adult, you have to ask fundamental questions, because if your partner, your family or your single -The existence that can only be endured with constant distraction, leads the wrong life in the supposedly correct one. Impatience arises from the discomfort of the present. Retreat can become a source of self-reflection, creativity and patience. Many have in the past Corona, however, has forgotten how to be alone with itself – this is not only due to the constant presence of social media, analogue life was also designed to always be somewhere else, to eat somewhere else, to meet somewhere else be possible – the need for it is so great that there will always be a market for it throw back into the stone age. But if we stay healthy, hopefully on ourselves. “/ Zz / DP / he

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