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Press Summary: Majority of Spaniards Believe in Climate Change, Civil Guard Detects Adulterated Oil, and More

Press summary for Saturday, July 1

The majority of Spaniards believe that we are changing the climate (La Razón)
80.3% affirm that in their daily life they have modified some of their daily practices to try to stop or reduce climate change. Humans began to modify the environment to their advantage, in order to produce food on a regular basis and not depend on hunting or gathering wild fruits. For the first time since the appearance of our species, man acted on Nature and modified it. We can situate at that moment the beginning of the current climate change. Then it would accelerate, massive felling of forests, alteration of river courses, quarries, industrialization, the deterioration of the ozone layer, etc… up to the present day.

The Civil Guard detects 143,000 liters of adulterated oil (El País)
The Civil Guard has dealt a new blow to the plots that are dedicated to the mixture of olive oil with other vegetable fats for the sale of adulterated carafes. Operation Giraoliva2sev has made it possible to immobilize more than 143,000 liters of oil that was sold as extra virgin olive oil, although in reality it was a mixture of seed oil with pomace oil.

Households begin to earn real income thanks to the moderation of prices (El País)
Inflation moderates and begins to show in family accounts. Households are finally managing to earn income despite a price crisis that began with the reopening after the pandemic, shot up to levels not seen in 40 years with the energy crisis that caused the war in Ukraine and still persists in the food basket.

Genoa guided Guardiola to agree with Vox “as soon as possible” (El Mundo)
He has ended up accepting “half counseling”, that of Forest Management and the Rural World (hunting, fishing and bullfighting). The Popular Party reserves the “authentic” Ministry of Agriculture, where it will also be responsible for distributing the European CAP funds and will be in permanent contact with farmers and ranchers.

Guardiola (PP) to Gordillo (Vox): “It cannot go past this week” (El País)
Yesterday, five days later, the popular and Vox sealed an agreement that had been materializing since Wednesday to make Guardiola president of the Junta de Extremadura in a coalition government with the ultras at the head of the Ministry of Forest Management and Rural World, which will assume the powers of rural infrastructure, fire control, natural heritage, hunting, fishing and bullfighting. While the Ministry of Agriculture will remain in the hands of the PP.

PP and Vox accelerate the pacts and also sign in Extremadura (ABC)
Guardiola gives in to his veto and gives Abascal the Ministry of the Rural World. Both parties advance in Aragon and keep the pulse in Murcia.

The PP achieves change in Extremadura without submitting its principles to Vox (La Razón)
PP and Vox signed an agreement yesterday with defined figures. María Guardiola will be the president in the region and the formation of Santiago Abascal will hold the Ministry of Forest Management and Rural World.

10 economic challenges of the Spanish presidency of the EU (Expansion)
Agreeing on the new fiscal rules, regulating artificial intelligence and critical raw materials and how to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine, among the main challenges.

“Without fertilizers we would need two planets” (El Mundo)
Javier Goñi. He is president of Fertiberia. He was born in Pamplona and graduated in Law and Economics. THAT. At a time when drought and the war in Ukraine threaten the EU’s food sovereignty, the importance of fertilizers is vital.

Press summary for Sunday, July 2

The leader of the PP shows his support for the rural world (La Razón)
The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. He traveled yesterday to the Lleida town of Gimenells to close an act of the party on agriculture and livestock. There he made clear his commitment to the rural world, detailing some of his proposals to revitalize its economy.

Feijóo puts water and the defense of the primary sector as a priority (ABC)
The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, promised yesterday to approve a law to support the Spanish food system. And he once again insisted on his six-year investment plan of 40,000 million euros in water infrastructure during a party act on the primary sector in the Lleida municipality of Gimenells. For the PP the question of water is fundamental.

Feijóo, against “centralism” in search of the lost seat in Lleida (El Mundo)
It was no coincidence that Alberto Núñez Feijóo shelled out his electoral proposals on agri-food matters yesterday in the small Lleida town of Gimenells i el Pla de la Font.

A necessary commitment to rural Spain (La Razón)
It is not convenient to lose sight of the information that the popular candidate, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, provided yesterday to those attending the rally held in the town of Gimenells in ilerdense. The one that, for the first time in 25 years, the Spanish agri-food trade balance had fallen by 20 percent.

The ultra-right threatens the environment (El País)
The ultra advance in Europe cracks basic consensus. In Spain, Vox assumes portfolios linked to the countryside and ignores climate change in its pacts with the PP.

The two lives of the farm of the Galician journalist expelled by the Nazis from Berlin (El Mundo)
What do Nazis, cows and a tiktoker have in common? The first formed part of the professional history of one of the founders of the Casa Grande Xanceda farm (in La Coruña). Cows are the majority of the animals on that farm. And a cow tiktoker is there this weekend showing her followers the rural world after winning a contest sponsored by the farm.

The ‘landless’ of Brazil, squats with the support of the State (ABC)
With the return of Lula da Silva to power, this left-wing movement –turned into a pop icon– has managed to cede land. We speak with one of their leaders.

The great depopulation (La Razón)
By Antonio Flores Lorenzo, expert in Rural Development
The most depopulated region in Europe is not north of the Arctic Circle. It is just over 100 km from Madrid. Between Cuenca, Guadalajara and Teruel. It has less than two inhabitants per square km and is still slowly depopulating. For reference, quasipolar Iceland reaches three.

ELPOZO-Grupo Fuertes, among the 100 Spanish companies with the best reputation (La Razón)
Second the latest edition of the prestigious monitor Merco Empresas y Líderes.

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2023-07-03 09:37:14
#majority #Spaniards #changing #climate

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