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Press review of May 13, 2023

Associate, listen, respect fishermen; headlines the columnist of the Iwacu newspaper

From May 15 to August 15, fishing in Lake Tanganyika will be suspended at the level of the four riparian countries, recalls this colleague, specifying that this decision is consecutive “to the very significant drop in fish production in recent years in the region following especially to fishermen who catch very young fish, fingerlings”.

Iwacu takes up the words of Gandhi who used to say: “Everything you do for me without me, you do against me”. The officials of the Lake Tanganyika authority have indeed thought and decided in place of the populations without referring to their opinions, our colleague points out.

Thus, this measure is not unanimous. Indeed, explains the editorialist of the weekly Iwacu, the Tanzanian and Congolese deputies have expressed their opposition to the decision which has difficulty in penetrating the ears of both fishermen and consumers. For its part, the online daily Net Press recalls that in Uvira, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a dead city operation was observed this Thursday by fishermen accompanied by civil society to contest this closure of Lake Tanganyika to fishing activities. for three months.

And if this is maintained, what will become of the lives of the thousands and thousands of people who live from fishing? asks a blogger from the Yaga group, who points out that this question has been asked of all the fishing directors of each country. . A concern shared with our partners, according to Sylvain Toussanga Director of the Lake Tanganyika Authority this Wednesday in Rumonge in front of an audience of fishermen. Alternative activities were planned but a problem arose: where to find funds? , he launched.

Distribution of seized beans to vulnerable people and other public establishments, reports Agence Burundaise de Presse

These are some 1400 kg of beans purchased before their maturity which had been seized from two traders in the Bwiza trading center in the Ninga zone of the Butaganzwa commune in Kayanza province, and which were distributed on Tuesday May 9, 2023, to the vulnerable, at the Buraniro orphanage and at the Musema high school, this newspaper specifies.

The communal administrator of Butaganzwa, Mrs. Janvière Kanyana, indicated that all this quantity of beans was seized in order to eradicate the phenomenon of sale and purchase of standing crops, because the latter has a negative impact on the economy of farmers in particular and of the country in general.

Mrs. Kanyana, who proceeded with their distribution, warned the inhabitants who sell the harvests on foot as well as the traders who enrich themselves on the backs of small farmers, by buying their immature production at derisory prices.

The newspaper La Voix de l’Enseignant looks back on the problem of the morning study that the various school administrators have introduced to encourage learners to revise the subjects learned in class.

Learners show reluctance and prefer sanctions, notes this colleague, explaining that they are late because they travel long distances to get to school while others see no interest in this session. A teacher who was contacted and who did not want his identity to appear for reasons of his professional security could not have been clearer. He suggests, in the columns of this education weekly, that practice in itself is good. Only, he regrets, this morning study was imposed, so it is not the result of a compromise between the direct partners in education, namely the teacher and the student.

In terms of security, the Net Press newspaper reports that the police have already arrested about twenty people considered irregular or without known address since Monday, May 8, especially in the city of Bururi, in the south of the country.

They were picked up in the district called “Gisampara” and in other centers like Kiremba and Buta, notes this colleague. The chief of staff of the governor of Bururi province indicates that irregulars are often arrested in acts of robbery or murder, which is why the police want to identify them in order to prevent growing insecurity in this administrative entity, always underlines this online daily.

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