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Press Release – Committee News – Notice Board

Expanding the scope of free legal support for debtor representatives,

Selected as an excellent example of active administration by the people

– Selected as one of the 3rd “BEST 5 Best Practices of Active Administration Selected by the People” in 2024

– Starting in July 2024, the debtor’s family and acquaintances will also be eligible for debtor’s representative support.

financial committee(Chairman Kim Byeong-hwan) ‘Expansion of free legal support for debtor representatives’ case Hosted by the Office for Government Policy Coordination 3rd Active Administration Best Practices Voting*at ‘Chosen by the people BEST 5 best practices of active administrationas selected**He said it was done.

* (Eligible for voting) 8 excellent cases selected by the Office for Government Policy Coordination among cases of active administration by central ministries

(Voting period) ‘24.9.23.(Mon)~10.4.(Fri)
(How to vote) Online voting through ‘Regulation Innovation Blog’ and ‘Regulation Innovation Facebook’ (5,037 participants in total)

** Refer to the press release from the Office for Government Policy Coordination on “Third BEST 5 Best Practices of Active Administration Selected by the People” on Thursday, October 10, 2024.

Debtor representative systemfrom unregistered loan sharks, etc. Damage from illegal debt collection(concern) Wear it or Loans exceeding the legal maximum interest ratereceived Protect and provide relief to victimsto do As an institution debtor’s agent(lawyer) Free senior supportIt is a system that does. 2020from From implementation to present (September 2024) Support for approximately 15,000 debtor representativesAnd Positioned as a representative legal relief servicepaginationdid.

Existing debtor representative support systemIs debtoronly about backupI’m doing it Recently, the debtor, who is not the debtor, Occurs through family, acquaintances, etc. ‘Collection of acquaintances*from Limitations in protecting related people such as family and acquaintancesThere was. hereto, financial committeehas suffered damage from illegal debt collection Family members, acquaintances, etc. of the debtor related personIn accordance with the debtor’s Free legal servicesso that you can receive past 7.5 daysfrom The scope of support for the debtor’s representative is ‘the debtor and his or her related persons.’by enlargement**did.

* Illegal collection of money by causing shame by informing the debtor’s family, acquaintances, etc. of the debtor’s default.

** (Existing) The debtor himself → (Enlarged) Existing + People related to the debtor, such as family, acquaintances, and co-workers

A person related to the debtorsilver with the debtor Living together or living together Those who do of the debtor relatives, Where the debtor works people who work together etc., and the person concerned is the debtor’s agent. Selected for supportIf applicable, Korean Legal AidThe industrial complex is fireWe provide legal consultation, etc. to help you respond to legal debt collection activities. Illegal debt collection partnerto “No contact with related personsnotice of factDo it.

Damage from illegal collection(apprehension)The relevant person wearing Financial Supervisory Service homepage*through online applicationthis is possible(A related person can apply after the debtor applies to be the debtor’s representative)And online If you have difficulty applying, Financial Supervisory Service Illegal Private Finance Reporting Center(☎1332 without area code)of phone callcounselYou can apply through .

* www.fss.or.kr > Civil Complaints/Reports > Illegal Finance Reporting Center > ‘Application for free support from debtor’s representative and litigation attorney’

Kim Jin-hong, Director of Financial Consumer Bureau, Financial Services Commissionsilver “Expanding the scope of this supportillegal through From debt collection, etc. Directly protect those affectedto be able to has been done, Illegal debt collection methodsthis More and more viciousAs it continues to progress, To prevent any gaps in victim protection Respond quickly and proactively“We plan to do it,” he said.

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