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PRESS // French connection Marseille, Montreal, New York

France Culture and Radio Canada are collaborating for the first time around the creation of an original podcast French connection Marseille, Montreal, New York, a series in four episodes, available from November 26 on franceculture.fr and the Radio France application.

This podcast is co-produced by Radio Canada and France Culture who shared their know-how in terms of writing, production and sound design on this occasion. Together, the two media were able to tell the story of little-known sectors of the French, by finding witnesses and key players on both sides of the Atlantic.

“French connection Marseille, Montréal, New York”

A podcast in 4 episodes of 30 minutes of Stephane Berthomet, production Cedric Chabuel

Between the 1950s and 1970s, a gigantic heroin trafficking took place between France and the United States with Montreal as a hub. The alliance of various criminal organizations and an incredible number of French, Canadian and American traffickers then made it possible to set up the most important drug trafficking ever carried out for the time, a mythical network today known under the name of the French Connection. Stéphane Berthomet retraces in this podcast the history of this network and highlights the little-known roles of Montreal and Quebec in this international network.

Episode 1

By looking at the sources of the French connection, we learn who are the main players in this international heroin trafficking between France and the United States. Stéphane then discovered the essential and forgotten role that Quebec played in the greatest drug trafficking of the post-war period.

Episode 2

French traffickers operate from Cuba and criminal networks are organized by forming a triangular import system between France, Central America and Quebec, to bring tons of heroin into the United States by all means. .

Episode 3

As the networks multiply and the quantities of imported drugs continue to increase, several important criminals are in the crosshairs of the American and Canadian police officers. The waves of arrests disorganize the traffickers without succeeding in putting the sponsors of the networks out of harm’s way.

Episode 4

The American, Canadian and French police officers are stepping up their collaboration and pressure is mounting on mafia families, both in Marseille and in Montreal. Godfathers and criminals in the heart of the French are arrested, not without some twists! International assistance has borne fruit, even if certain criminal networks will continue to be active in trafficking for several decades.

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