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Press Center: A one-way derby

Chauvigny- Neuville 3-0 The Sang et Or ended a series of six unsuccessful matches, inflicting on the neighbors their first defeat of the year.

Neuville had only lost one derby so far (against SOC). Here it is now two after an evening forgotten. As for Chauvigny, he flew over the evening almost from one end to the other, remaining master on his land where he only dropped two points. The dynamic was reversed last night when nothing suggested a one-sided match and a river score in favor of the host, sluggish or almost since December 5th. All the magic of football, the unpredictable sport par excellence. This victory comes punctual before the reception of the leader, Stade Bordelais, in a late game which promises. While Neuville will try to reassure Libourne.

from USC wake up

For the second time in 2022, Neuville had to chase after the score (after Poitiers, 1-1 in the end). Chauvigny took matters into his own hands after a reassuring first quarter of an hour, lacking any shine. Lerbet initiated the action, then Nsiete got rid of an opponent to serve Ramdane who only had to put his foot in an empty goal (1-0, 18). The expression then the reaction of the people of Neuville stopped at the intentions. As proof, Diaby’s three long shots well out of bounds (9, 29 and 41). In this tightly contested derby, with no downtime, it was the Sang et Or who proved to be the most impactful. And without a well-meaning intervention from Sassatelli against Ramdane (31), Chauvigny would have already taken a serious option on victory.
During the break, trainer Stphane Malloyer was able to raise the values ​​of combat and solidarity found in his team. As for Badr El Brahmi, his frustration was expressed prematurely… seeing Soumah warming up from the 25th. The former Chauvinois was still on the side when Nsiete’s acrobatic recovery lifted the stadium. But the ball was off target (46). Chauvigny insisted, putting a lot of pressure on the Neuville defense which relied on Sassatelli. Brilliant on a strike and a header from Ramdane (58 and 65), but powerless on a helmet shot from Unjanqui on receiving a corner from Ramdane the man of the match with Barritault and Chevrier (2-0, 60). Neuville was asphyxiated, unable to counter the boosted Sang et Or. Far from synthetic, far from account!
Chauvigny tended to get drunk in the last quarter of an hour, while Neuville offered only relative resistance. In the head, the visitors had mourned this meeting for a long time. Like a symbol, Nsiete added to the score (3-0, 84). USC forwards woke up at the right time.

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