Let us all mobilize to defend the Prespa Agreement, especially now that the ND government wants to become a rag paper. A government that refuses to bring the proposed three cooperation protocols to Parliament and dissolved the agreed scientific group for the removal of redemptive wording from North Macedonia’s textbooks, while refusing to promote the formation of the agreement’s group for the solution of trademarks and names on the basis of EU law.
Even worse are the pre-election positions presented by the parties of North Macedonia, especially VMRO, a sister party of ND. Positions that directly violate the agreement, especially regarding the name of the neighboring country. The Right and the Fascist Right announce that they will call their country simply “Macedonia” and several circles in the current government in Skopje seem to agree. The government of the Netherlands, if it is even slightly interested in the peace and stability of the region, if it has the slightest sense of responsibility towards History and international law, it must immediately:
First, to inform the international and regional organizations of which North Macedonia is a member under the name of the Prespa Agreement that some people wish to present it under the name of a legally non-existent country, that is, as the “Republic of Macedonia”. Such a country never became a member of international organizations such as the UN, NATO, the negotiation structures with the EU. A country with the name “Macedonia” cannot replace and take in the international system the position it holds after the Prespa Agreement. Republic of North Macedonia. The government is obliged to point out to the heads of such international organizations that they must explain and warn the adventurers of the Skopje political scene about the consequences that will follow.
Second, the government must inform its EU partners that the country “Republic of Macedonia” does not exist, that all the transitional timelines provided for in the Prespa Agreement have expired and that they can enter the EU and its member states only those who have the required new passports with the correct name of their country and their cars have the correct signage. Especially for our country, this should apply from today. The government must stop being complicit in the arbitrariness and violations of aggressive and revisionist circles in North Macedonia, as well as some centers in Greece.
Thirdly, the government must commit to the EU, as it has already done since 2018, that goods bearing the designation of country of origin and production as “Made in Macedonia” instead of “Made in North Macedonia” cannot be sold on its market.
Fourth, anyone in North Macedonia who publicly calls for the violation of the Prespa Agreement must be subject to binding international sanctions. He should be banned from traveling to all the member states of the above organizations, while the government should make a special notification to the UN Secretary-General. This also applies to internal or non-agreed use of the name.
There are many other measures that the government should take immediately. The main thing is to stop “playing the pumpkin” at the expense of our national interests, stability in the region, preventing “history from becoming a prison” not only for the stupid and frivolous, but for the peoples of SE Europe. What must be defended is international law, part of which is the Prespa Agreement. That she must explain directly to the government elites and the oligarchy of her neighbor that the games against the Prespa Agreement will cause them insurmountable political and financial costs, which, if necessary, she is ready to see to it being imposed on them.
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#Prespa #Agreement #government #rag #paper