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Presidium of the dockers in Trieste, the police are ready to evacuate

AGI – The epilogue of the no green pass protest at the port of Trieste could arrive tomorrow morning, exhausted by days in which activities have slowed down and the image of the international port, previously in full health, has tarnished in the eyes of the world . The prefecture and the Port Authority believe that the occupation of gate 4 is no longer tolerable even if the CLPT union guarantees that it will last until 20 October and the no vax citizen coordination goes further, announcing that it wants to stay “indefinitely”. The liberation of the port was also invoked by Cgil, Cisl and Uil. The split between those that have emerged in an ever clearer way the two conflicting souls of the protest has become striking.

On the one hand Stefano Puzzer and the majority of the dockers on strike who have been protagonists up to a certain point, on the other the no vax movement that has increasingly taken possession of the square also through the public trial last night against the spokesman, until discharge this morning. Puzzer’s ‘fall’ was dizzying. The internal dissent, fomented by some dockers who did not like the decision to put an end to the garrison without an assembly, caused it only in part.

Most of all, the local no vax coordination team counted, whose exponents, including Ugo Rossi, the new councilor of the 3 V movement, surrounded him last night to make him change his mind. And, reportedly in port environments, to be more effective some representatives of the tough men threatened him heavily to convince him to rectify the statement that sanctioned the curtain of the affair in exchange for a convocation in Parliament to bring the reasons of those who want to abolish the green certificate.

The color of the square, peaceful and even festive in recent days, has become more and more livid. Journalists were surrounded and insulted at a time when the order service, so far well maintained by the dockers, was blown.

The agents, called to the rescue by reporters, have chosen to remain hidden to prevent their presence from worsening the situation in a context that at that time could not be tamed if not at risk of accidents. Puzzer, who also had a brief fit of tears, calmed the atmosphere, inviting calm and advising the occupants, in view of the evacuation, to “sit and be at peace”.

His allusions to “those who are spreading falsehoods, and I am not referring to journalists, giving traitors to dockers” are less good-natured. Last fires visible to all of a story that it will leave deep wounds in the no pass movement.

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