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Presidents who have received the vaccine against covid-19

The application of anticovid vaccines has become one of the greatest needs in the world due to the impact of SARS-CoV-2, which so far has left more than 2.7 million deaths and more than 127 million infections globally, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Faced with this situation, some leaders from various Countries have already applied the vaccine against covid-19, with the biological one from Pfizer-BionTech, Sputnik V, AstraZeneca, among others. Here is a list of the heads of state who have already been immunized.

Joe Biden

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, 78-year-old President of the United States received the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine on December 21, 2020.

Likewise, the first Jill Biden also received a dose of the vaccine that same day.

” I’m doing this to show that there is nothing to worry about, ” Biden said.

During his candidacy, Biden proposed that during his first 100 days in office there would be 100 million immunized, a goal that has already been met and exceeded.

Francisco Sagasti

On January 9, the head of state of Peru, Francisco Rafael Sagasti Hochhausler, was vaccinated against covid-19 with the dose of Sinopharm.

This action sparked controversies, as it was disclosed that the official had allegedly received the inoculant on previous dates, disobeying Phase I of the country’s National Vaccination Plan against covid-19.

Alberto Fernandez

On January 21, 2021, Alberto Ángel Fernández, president of Argentina, received the first dose of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V.

“The national president reaffirmed the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and reiterated that his priority is for it to reach the majority of Argentines in the shortest time possible,” said a presidential statement.

Sebastian Piñera

Miguel Juan Sebastián Piñera Echenique, President of Chile, received the Sinovac vaccine on February 12, 2021.

Its dose was applied in the town of Futrono. Their inoculation was given in accordance with the official vaccination schedule, which considered people between 71 and 72 years of age as priority people.

Nicolas Maduro

Nicolás Maduro Moros, president of Venezuela, also applied the Sputnik V vaccine on March 6, 2021; like his wife, Cilia Flores.

” I am vaccinated, I do not feel any kind of skalosky, nor fiebrasky; Maduro scoffed.

Laurentino Cortizo

The President of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, received the Pfizer vaccine on March 9. The 60-year-old politician had access to the inoculant because the immunization of the elderly in the country began.

“I received my first dose of the covid-19 vaccine at the Belisario Porras school on circuit 8-8, within Phase 2A of the Continuous Vaccination Strategy,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

Boris Johnson

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson , Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the AstraZeneca inoculant was applied on 19 March 2021.

” To everyone: when you receive the notification to get vaccinated, please go get vaccinated. It is the best for you, the best for your family and for everyone, ” said the official.

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin the inoculant against the coronavirus was applied March 23, 2021; however, the vaccine he received was not disclosed.

Putin has been vaccinated against the coronavirus. It feels good. MTomorrow he has a full day of work, ” clarified his messenger Dmitry Peskov.

What are other world leaders saying about covid-19?

Despite the fatal figures that the pandemic has left worldwide, some world leaders are skeptical of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Jair Bolsonaro

In December 2020, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of Brazil (the second country with the highest number of infections, only below the United States), minimized the impact of covid-19, referring to it as a “little flu.”

” I had the best vaccine, it was the virus. Without collateral effects, ” said the head of state during his visit to the city of

Sao Francisco do Sul.

Donald Trump

In the United States, during March 2020, when the now former President Donald Trump learned of the first cases of the coronavirus, he urged the population not to be afraid of it.

In an interview with Woodwar, one of America’s leading journalists, Trump said he did not want to cause people to panic about the pandemic.

“I always wanted to minimize it. I still prefer to minimize it, because I don’t want to create panic,” said the former president.

During October 2020, Donald Trump contracted the SARS CoV-2 virus, months later -during election time- on various occasions he appeared at events without a mask and without respecting the sanitary measures proposed by experts.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

On the other hand, in Mexico, in December 2020, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that it was not essential to wear a mask to face the pandemic.

” Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, who is the one who guides me, tells me, and Dr. Alcocer, that it is not essential (to wear a mask), that there are other measures. And I think that the best thing is the healthy distance and taking care of ourselves ”, he assured.

In January 2021, during “the morning” he said that at the end of February the CanSino vaccine against covid-19 would be applied.

“You ask me when it would be my turn, it would be then, when the elderly in large cities are vaccinated, from CanSino, at the end of February I would have to vaccinate, that is what is being contemplated,” said the president.


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