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Presidential. The NGO “A Voté” and Tinder encourage young people to register on the lists

From Thursday February 17, 2022 and until April 8, all Tinder members in France aged 18 to 25 will see several “Swipe Video Cards” (visuals) detailing the steps to follow for the presidential elections. of 2022. Each Swipe Card will direct members to the “Info” section of the association “Voted”. This NGO is mobilizing against the incorrect registration of young people on the electoral lists, in particular through a Chatbot that can be found on WhatsApp but also on The Presidential Lab of Ouest-France (at the bottom right). 20 Minutes is also a partner in this operation.

Democracy is a hot topic on Tinder in France where the mention of the term “politics” has increased by nearly 59% in the last 12 months in the bios of its members. It is also more than 7 million French men and women who are incorrectly registered on the electoral lists. One of the reasons that most impacts the younger generation (representing almost 50% of Tinder members) is their move for their studies or their first job. Being incorrectly registered is three times more likely to abstain.

“Historically, young people less likely to vote”

À Voté and Tinder are joining forces to remind young people that they can and must take full advantage of this most fundamental civic right: the right to vote. “ For many Tinder members, 2022 marks the first time they will have the opportunity to vote in a presidential election, explains Ben Puygrenier, spokesperson for Tinder in France. Historically, young people are the least likely to vote. By simply sharing the “to-do list” for the upcoming presidential elections we believe this can initiate change. We also want to give Voted a platform where they can help the younger generation recognize that together they have a voice. »

“Making GenZ match with the vote”

For the co-presidents of A Voté, Flore Blondel-Goupil and Dorian Dreuil “poor electoral registration is a real democratic bug which contributes to the abstention of young people. The future of France cannot do without the youth, for that it is necessary to remove the brakes on the electoral participation of the citizens and citizens. This collaboration with Tinder France is a strong signal: together we can mobilize for a more open and more inclusive democracy, we must bring democracy closer to young people, where opinions are formed and where discussions are held. From today Tinder France and A Voté match GenZ with the vote! »

While this commitment is a first for Tinder in France, the company has supported several other initiatives in the past and in other countries such as the elections in Brazil in 2018, the elections in the United Kingdom in 2019, the elections in the United United in 2020 or more recently the elections in Germany in 2021.

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