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Presidential result in Blaye – 2nd round election 2022 (33390) [DEFINITIF]

The result of the second round of the presidential election in Blaye is published. Find below the official result of the election communicated by the Ministry of the Interior.

It’s the end of the duel between the two rounds in Blaye: the result of the second round of the presidential has been officially released. At the end of the final of the 2022 presidential election, it was Marine Le Pen who emerged victorious in the city of New Aquitaine on Sunday April 24. The daughter of the founder of the Front National distance, with 51% of the vote, Emmanuel Macron. The one who was Minister of Holland collects 49% of the votes. The next electoral meeting will take place on June 12 and 19 with the legislative election results in Blaye. Sunday April 24, 1,129 people abstained among the 3,417 people registered on the electoral lists in Blaye. Abstention thus reached 33% at the level of the municipality, an indicator which remains fairly stationary (+1.78 points) compared to 2017.

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