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Presidential: health comes into the countryside

Posted on Nov 21, 2021 1:23 PMUpdated Nov 21, 2021, 2:02 PM

On the management of the health crisis, the oppositions recognize themselves, they have, to criticize Emmanuel Macron, “less holds than at the beginning”, says a lieutenant of a candidate for the LR primary. “On health, on the other hand, we did not take advantage of the billions of the Ségur de la Santé to reform in depth. And the end of the numerus clausus, that will have effects only in ten years ”, attacks the same one. In the meantime, the oppositions are therefore seizing the subject for the campaign, encouraged by the forums of doctors who warn about the difficulties of recruiting or by the arrests on the ground as for the medical deserts.

They have sensed, like the government, that health is a concern on the rise. In the PrésiTrack Opinion Way poll for “Les Echos” published on Thursday, this is the second issue for the presidential election (up 2 points to 50%) behind purchasing power. The subject – and in particular the difficulties of recruitment – is regularly discussed during the weekly breakfast of the majority around the Prime Minister. With a certain “dismay, whereas we made the Segur of health”, says a participant.

Castex goes out of its hinges

So the candidate of RN Marine Le Pen promised, last Tuesday, a salary increase of “10% more than what Ségur provides” for nurses. Without nuances, Eric Zemmour blasted in “L’Express” a situation in the hospital “worthy of the third world”. PS candidate Anne Hidalgo said on TF1 on Saturday that it was necessary to “reopen negotiations” on salaries and the organization of the work of caregivers. Strongly challenged, Prime Minister Jean Castex fell off his hinges in the Assembly last Tuesday. He replied with Ségur and “its 19 billion in investments and 9 billion in remuneration” – “what have you not done before?” – and pointed out, with regard to the shortage of doctors, a collective responsibility.

Nonetheless, the government has clearly felt the danger and the risk of seeing Segur’s financial efforts lost and lost. The Prime Minister has therefore embarked on a tour of investments in each region. Always with the same strategy: the ads are sent out all week to have the maximum impact in the local press. It will be the turn of New Aquitaine at the beginning of December.

“Topic number one of our elected officials”

Emmanuel Macron is obviously not outdone on this delicate subject which, constantly repeating the Minister of Health Olivier Véran in an attempt to explain the persistence of the difficulties, cannot be resolved with a wave of the “wand”. magical “. Traveling on Friday to a nursing home in Hauts-de-France, the Head of State regretted “the mistake” of having trained fewer doctors “for decades”. One way to encourage his opponents not to stir up this theme too much.

While defending his record and Ségur, he nevertheless underlined the need to “continue to promote all the health professions in and outside the hospital” in the tradition of Ségur. “For the next few years, we need to increase our voluntarism, change the rules of the game, see if we should not be even more incentive in certain places […] to maintain our health care offer and fight for there to be no more medical deserts, ”concluded Emmanuel Macron, acknowledging that it was“ the number one subject of our elected officials ”. Under pressure from their constituents.

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