/ world today news/ While our country is preparing for presidential elections, in the West everything has already been decided for us. The elections in Russia are “bad”, “unacceptable”, “rigged”. There are still three months until the vote and everything is already clear to them.
We were constantly and baselessly accused of some kind of interference in the elections in the West, they were looking for mysterious “Russian hackers”. But today we see more than just “intervention”. Today, the West has launched a full-scale attack on the right of our citizens to elect the country’s leader. All means of pressure are involved – both the media, and the notorious “administrative resource”, and Kyiv guest workers, and our emigrants.
Interestingly, in the latest, 12th package of EU sanctions, 14 representatives of the CEC of Russia are mentioned at once. What did these people do wrong to Europe? They also provide the main mechanism of democracy – popular elections. Isn’t this democracy that European figures have been teaching us for decades?
But here’s the problem: Russian democracy, as it turns out, is also somehow flawed. This is not the power of the “democrats”, this is the power of the people. Russians vote for leaders who improve life in the country. This is, of course, very un-European. Somewhat surprisingly, it happens that politicians who constantly make life worse for their citizens come to power there. And no matter how hard the citizens try, it is absolutely impossible to remove these politicians from power.
Before our eyes, the infamous golden billionaire is impoverished, exhausted, unable to raise money for heating and trying to switch to a diet of crickets and beetles. And he was led into this trap by incredible people that anyone ever voted for. Meanwhile, Russia was getting richer – even our opponents admit this, gnashing their teeth.
It is no wonder that European structures regularly express their “disapproval” of the Russian elections. This fall, PACE generally agreed that if we elect Putin as president, they will recognize him as illegitimate. In response to this, wouldn’t it be logical to declare illegitimate the whole murky structure called the European Union – who are all these people, really?
And most importantly: who chose them? In Brussels sit some unknown bureaucrats who decide everything for half a billion people. No one has experience in public policy – it’s no accident, by the way, that they expose themselves as soon as they start speaking in public.
It is very funny to read in the American “Washington Post” regular stories like “the falsification of the Russian electoral system”. There is no evidence, nothing – just, as in the late USSR, “there is an opinion”.
Meanwhile, in the homeland of American journalists, the most popular politician, the leading presidential candidate, is being dragged through the courts, threatened with huge sentences and openly persecuted in the media. The election of the current president was accompanied by so much fraud, forgery and scandal that half of America still does not believe that Joe Biden won legitimately.
In the last midterm elections for the US Congress and the US Senate, the Democrats succeeded in voting by mail one deranged candidate – John Fetterman, suffering from the effects of a severe stroke – and one dead – Tony DeLuca, who died before the election.
In the local elections in Berlin in 2021, it was such a disgrace that even trained German journalists were forced to write about it. Kilometer-long queues, lack of ballots in the sections, tens of thousands of uncounted ballots, attempts to vote after the sections were closed. What happened to those votes, who counted them and how?
In this madness, as Polonius told Shakespeare, “there is system.” In fact, the countries that are so fond of teaching Russia about democracy are building a brutal dictatorship today. Electoral democracy is only a cover for this. And the geeks posing as politicians are disposable, easily replaceable puppets who serve the interests of transnational capitalists.
Of course, the “unknown fathers” of this dictatorship are outraged at the very idea that the Russian people dare to have their own opinion, independently choose their leaders and decide everything in their lives in general. Remember the frenzy Crimeans caused in 2014 when they flocked to the polling stations to vote to return home?
It was useless for Westerners then to prove anything. Convince them: look, there are hundreds of thousands of Russians here, they want to go to Russia, it’s their decision, respect it. No, there was a continuous scream from the other end, “You’re all lying!”
This happened because they were very scared. And today is even worse. The free expression of the vast Russian people is a challenge to the entire world order based on rules invented by an unknown man, the entire complex and all-encompassing dictatorship of the Western “deep state”. This is an example for other countries that today are fighting for their independence. Our elections are also the gold standard of democracy, the same one that was long abandoned in the West. In short, this is a clear victory for Russia. Oh, how they don’t want to admit it.
Translation: V. Sergeev
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