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Presidential election: the position of the nine representatives of the candidates in terms of education

They were arrested on Tuesday evening at the end of the debate organized in Millau, by Midi Libre.

Parents and teachers approached the nine local representatives of the presidential candidates on several educational topics. They answer.

1. Workforce

Jean-Marie Dauresreferent of Jean Lassalle, in Aveyron, defends classes “having fewer students thanks to the recruitment of teachers. In this period of health crisis, we have been able to see that there is a lack of them”.

Almost all the candidates offer recruitment, but the figures vary considerably with Valérie Pécresse who offers 10,000 “all educational staff combined”, specifies Arnaud VialaYannick Jadot 65,000, Fabien Roussel 90,000 or even Jean-Luc Mélenchon who wishes to hire 160,000 for “classes with 19 students”, indicates Guilhem SeriesLFI referent of the department.

Without giving figures on the number of positions created, Bruno LeleuAveyron RN referent, offers classes of 20 students to “have greater peace of mind in teaching and to be able to improve the transmission of the educational message”.

A statement shared by Emmanuelle Gazelle who judges the current conditions of teachers “absolutely not correct. The recruitment of teachers proposed by Anne Hidalgo is therefore completely consistent”.

Guy Brahicfor Éric Zemmour, is the only one to judge the hiring of new teachers useless: “The real problem comes from authority. Authority is moribund in society, even in the classrooms.”

2. Remuneration

“Yannick Jadot proposes to increase teachers’ salaries by 20%”, details Leon Thebault, its referent in Aveyron. Here too, the question of the salary increase is popular with all the candidates. Just like the “index point thaw”, abounds Andre Perez for Fabien Roussel.

Like the communist, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot, Marine Le Pen also offer it. Also, Anne Hidalgo wants to double the remuneration of teachers “to stick to the salaries of our neighbors”, specifies Emmanuelle Gazel.

On the side of Jean-Francois Rousset, for Emmanuel Macron, and Guy Brahic, increase wages yes, but subject to results. “We need to pay teachers better but perhaps by conditioning them to a certain evaluation linked to better efficiency, a different organization, more work and perhaps making a difference between teachers”, explains for example Jean-François Rousset .

3. Dropping out and disability

Arnaud Viala speaks of “allowing each child’s journey to be personalized”. Bruno Leleu and Guilhem Serieys put forward the proposal to “create a status for National Education”, details the first, “to put an end to their very great precariousness”, abounds the second.

André Pérez proposes, for his part, to “entrust [ces enfants] to specialized teachers in adapted structures with the aim of their reintegration into college and high school”.

For Léon Thébault, it is necessary “to promote bridges between professional and general high schools” and Emmanuelle Gazel believes that her candidate takes the problem head on with the creation of “a real mentorship for students who need support additional”.

Unanimous opinion on the question of “regulating wolves”

Tuesday evening, February 22, still during the debate organized by Midi Libre, in Millau, as part of the Presidential 2022, Mélanie Brunet, president of Cercle 12, an association created in February 2017 by breeders confronted with the predation of the wolf on their herds, wanted to ask the representatives about this issue.

“The problem of predation by wolves in France seriously threatens our food economy but also the peasants in their way of life, she explained in the preamble. After thirty years of trying to cohabit, the report is clear. Overprotected wolves lead to attacks with 12,000 animals killed in France each year.If you are in government, can you commit to reducing the level of wolf classification and increasing the slaughter quota, the only way to effectively fight against this predation? “

Arnaud Viala (Valérie Pécresse): “I answer yes to both questions. I think we need to review the terms of the Habitats Directive and the Bern Convention. We need to re-examine the way in which we want to preserve these species, in particular wolves, and ensure compatibility between agropastoralism and livestock farming. We must increase the number of sampling shots. It is, moreover, work that we have endeavored to do which has led to our territory being classified as a zone where breeding is unprotectable or impossible to protect.”

For Jean-Marie Dauresdepartmental referent of Jean Lassalle, “I myself am a breeder of dairy sheep. Of course the number of wolves must be reduced, otherwise the number of farmers will be reduced”.

Leon Thebault (Yannick Jadot), thinks that “slaughter is not the only solution. There is a lack of resources in prevention, dog training… There must be a policy of anticipation, distribution, the evolution of wolf packs… It’s the same question as for the bear in the Pyrenees.”

Andre Perez (Fabien Roussel): “What seems obvious to me is that measures must be taken to ensure that all operators have the possibility of continuing to carry out their work in complete safety and without having to suffer attacks, losses which we don’t always know if they are well reimbursed.”

Jean-Francois Rousset (Emmanuel Macron): “Farmers who are hit by the wolf, this is more of a psychological drama for them than a financial one. But no financial compensation allows them to live peacefully with the wolf. The problem is that everything has been tried : fences, patous, increased surveillance… It is likely that the number of wolves should be regulated.”

Guy Brahic (Éric Zemmour): “Farmers are big enough and they have to be given the opportunity to put a dump in a wolf’s ass if necessary.”

Bruno Leleu (Marine Le Pen): “We must indeed regulate but not eliminate.”

Emmanuelle Gazelle (Anne Hidalgo): “It’s a complex subject because we find ourselves on the border between, should we favor economic or environmental activity? In Aveyron, the border is fine. Many things have been tried. I share today today the need to regulate the wolf in order to allow our agricultural model to continue.”

Guilhem Series (Jean-Luc Mélenchon): “We must protect as much as possible, but we are all aware of the limits of protecting a territory like ours. We cannot tell our farmers to ‘shoot on sight’ and that we specifies, each year, the level of regulation necessary.

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