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Presidential election 2020. Okupnik on crutches went to vote

Presidential election 2020 is behind us. Many celebrities proudly boasted in social media that they visited polling stations and cast their vote. They photographed themselves with ballot papers and ballot boxes, and thus wanted to set a good example for fans that it is worth exercising their right to vote. The well-known singer Tatiana Okupnik also boasted about voting. The star published photos on Instagram that worried fans.

Tatiana Okupnik had an accident?

Nothing could stop her from going to the elections. Although the occupier is clearly not in the best shape, because as you can see in the photographs, he moves on crutches, she did not look for excuses and she voted for her candidate.

– Because I can! I want to! Because I care! Because there is not that! # wybory2020 – Tatiana wrote on the internet.

Fans seeing Okupnik on crutches began to ask what happened: “And what happened with these crutches? Wish you health”, “What happened with health?”, “What happened that you are talking about crutches?”, “A lot of health “,” Have you had an accident that you are on crutches? “,” I wish you a speedy recovery “- wrote the Internet users.

Unfortunately, Tatiana has not yet reported why it is about crutches. The fact also tried to contact the star, but we did not receive any response.

Tatiana Okupnik disappeared from show business for several years. What happened then?

Tatiana Okupnik was once one of the most popular stars of Polish show business. She played concerts, appeared on the red carpet, she was a juror in the “X Factor” program, and in 2015 she took part in Polsat’s dance show “Dancing with the Stars”, where she and Tomasz Brański reached the final. Later, however, she devoted herself to motherhood and disappeared from the media for a long time. The former vocalist of the band Blue Cafe brings up 4-year-old Matilda and 2-year-old Tymon.

It wasn’t until years later that Tatiana decided to make a bold confession and explain why she disappeared from the media. It turns out that the reason was, among others complications after her difficult delivery.

– Motherhood has different shades. There is no woman for whom she is only blissful. It’s obvious – Okupnik confessed on Instagram. – You can not tell a girl who has a stoma after postpartum complications at the age of 27 that her birth was a magical experience or a miracle. You can’t tell a girl who doesn’t play with children, who doesn’t run after them because she is urinating so much that she has to change the insoles all the time. You can not tell a girl who is thirty-something years old, is on strong painkillers and, for example, runs in pampers, that it is only a miracle that children will reward everything, because in some cases children will not reward you for the havoc that was done on your body, ‘she said.

Okupnik confessed that despite the fact that she loves her children very much, she misses her from before pregnancy.

– Girls who are struggling with various postpartum complications, they all told me that their life looks as if it took two paths: one track is love for children, care, care, the desire to give everything to children, give themselves, take care, and the second track is the track called “I”. What happened to me is how I can’t find myself in a new role. I love children, but I miss myself before pregnancy – she explained. You can read more about Okupnik’s confidences HERE.

see also:

Tatiana Okupnik had a great problem arranging herself in the toilet

Okupnik showed her daughter’s photo for the first time. He is so cute!

Gortat showed the children to Okupnik

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