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Presidential election 2020. Croatian media: Poles block Split

The local daily newspaper from the Croatian Split “Slobodna Dalmacija” on its website publishes photos of the queue from before the polling station at the honorary consulate. In his report, the journal describes that Poles are “blocking” the city, and hundreds of tourists are patiently waiting for their turn to vote in the presidential election. We received photos from the voting on Contact 24.

The service reported that a huge crowd was noticed on the street Istarska in Split, and passers-by asked what was going on. Croatian media reported that the queue to the polling station was several hundred meters long and stretched across several streets. There were many parents with children waiting.



Voting in SplitCarolina / Contact 24

“I have to admit that we were also surprised by the large number of registered. During the day we expect about 3,000 Polish citizens who are in Dalmatia and registered to vote. 390 Polish voters registered in the first round” – he said in an interview with dalmatinskiportal.hr Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Split Josip Roglić.

As explained in the portal, all epidemic recommendations are followed at the consulate, but those waiting outside are individually responsible for their observance.

We receive photos and video of voting in Split and other places at Contact 24 >>>

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Crowds queuing up at a polling station in Croatian SplitKontakt24

The police were called

Index website said that the residents of the building where the consulate is located called the police, but they said that there was no violation of public order and home mirrors. In response to the question of whether the rules of conduct in relation to the outbreak of the coronavirus were violated, the officers stated that they did not deal with it.

Poles in Croatia in the second round of presidential elections can vote at the embassy in Zagreb and at the consulate in Split.

He spoke at the press conference at 13.30 at the PKW chairman Sylwester Marciniak. – From the information we have obtained, the number of people who want to vote directly has increased almost tenfold compared to the first round. Hence these queues – he said.


Elections in SplitMarek / Contact 24

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