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Presidential: calm protests in New York, tension in Detroit

Thousands of Joe Biden supporters marched in New York on Wednesday night, demanding that ‘all the ballots be counted’. Supporters of Donald Trump demonstrated in Detroit, Michigan, to demand an end to the counting in that state.

The New York demonstration took place peacefully. It brought together people of all ages who walked down 5th Avenue, AFP noted. In the Democratic stronghold of New York, the attendees were supporters of Democratic candidate Joe Biden, although none dared claim the Democrat’s presidential victory just yet.

‘Donald Trump claimed victory before every vote was counted and our message is that is not acceptable. But I’m not afraid, we’re going to stop this, ‘Sarah Boyagian, 29, one of the organizers of this rally under close police surveillance told AFP.

‘I’m not sure Biden won, we have to wait until all the votes are tallied. I’m afraid that democracy hangs by a thread, ‘said John Fraser, 47, software developer.

‘Stop counting’

The demonstration in Detroit, outside the center where the ballot count was continuing, was much more tense, according to an AFP photographer and videos posted on social networks. Cries of ‘Stop counting’, hundreds of pro-Trump protesters demanded that the count stop and be allowed to attend the count, after Donald Trump announced an appeal to stop counting in that state.

U.S. media reported Wednesday afternoon that Michigan was won by Joe Biden, bringing the Democrat closer to the gates of the White House.

Videos on social media showed the protesters, fists raised, prevented from entering the counting center by police. According to the Detroit Free Press, the protesters, initially pro-Trump, were joined by supporters of Joe Biden, helping to escalate tensions.


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