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PRESIDENTIAL: “Against the far right, vote!” urges the League of Human Rights

“The LDH calls on everyone to vote on April 24, 2022, and to use the E. Macron ballot so that Mr. Le Pen and his allies are largely beaten and have as few votes as possible”, relays the Dijon section. .

Press release from the Dijon section of the Human Rights League of April 12, 2022:

For the second consecutive time, the far right is present in the second round of the presidential election, against a background of declining voter turnout.

The accession of the extreme right to power is possible today, favored by the accelerated social and democratic setbacks of the five-year period which is ending. This would constitute a heavy mortgage on our freedoms and would inaugurate, including on the international level, times of increased insecurities and injustices, marked by social tensions and unprecedented violence with a complete dismantling of the rule of law and all its consequences. Our entire lives would be deeply affected, starting with those of the weakest, the most deprived, the most exploited.

Freedom, equality and fraternity are not negotiable and must be protected from their worst enemies, those who only want one thing: to destroy the democratic ideal and the values ​​of the Republic, to call into question the general interest and implement an anti-social program of “national preference” woven with xenophobia, hatred and lies.

The Human Rights League (LDH) warns of this danger to justice, the rule of law guaranteeing freedoms, equal rights, without discrimination of origin, gender, religion or belief. .

This is why, in conscience and responsibility, strengthened by all the fights waged over the past five years against government policies, the LDH calls on everyone to vote on April 24, 2022, and to use the E. Macron ballot so that Mr. Le Pen and his allies are largely defeated and have as few votes as possible

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