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Presidential 2022. Thionville: the ball in the center

In Thionville, a fortnight ago, the results of the first round of the presidential election placed Emmanuel Macron in the lead with 33.17% of the vote, ahead of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (20.63%) and Marine Le Pen (20 .46%), which prompted Mayor Pierre Cuny to say that these results “reflect the centre-right tradition of the city, as well as its European dimension. The outgoing president indeed carried out a great operation in the second city of Moselle by exceeding his national average and winning a whopping seven points compared to his score in 2017. But what will it be this evening?

Pierre Cuny may well indicate that here in Thionville, on the territory of Robert Schuman, Father of Europe, we cannot position ourselves for the confinement and rejection of the other represented by the extreme right”, it will be necessary still deal with disappointed Melenchonist voters, in a hurry to see Emmanuel Macron leave the Élysée. Without forgetting the supporters of Eric Zemmour (7.89%) likely to lend a hand to the National Rally. As a reminder, at 2e turn of 2017 in Thionville, the duel had largely returned to Emmanuel Macron with 71.10%, Marine Le Pen not managing to exceed the bar of 30% (28.90%). The participation rate was 74.49%.

The polling stations will close this Sunday evening at 7 p.m. in Thionville.

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