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Presidential 2022. The shadow of a record abstention hangs over the first round in Thionville

This Sunday, voters are invited to go to the polls to decide between the twelve candidates for the presidential election. In Thionville, 29 polling stations will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. to allow as many people as possible to vote and influence the ballot, and this in an unprecedented situation, between Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. The electoral campaign, largely overshadowed by the news, has barely taken off and leaves a taste of unfinished business with many voters who are still undecided.

Because if the polls give the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron in the lead (26.5%), the candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, second (22.8%) and the boss of rebellious France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon ( 16.3%) Third, abstention could reach 30% according to these same sources. In Thionville, in 2017, she had already recorded a record with 24% in the first round.

Macron in the lead in 2017

Who will be the favorite candidates of the Thionvillois? If the second city of Moselle is more used to offering itself to the right, it nevertheless voted for Emmanuel Macron in 2017 with 26.27% of the votes ahead of the LR candidate, François Fillon (22.02%) and Marine Le Pen (18.67%). The first candidate from the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, was only in fourth place with 18.49% of the votes cast.

The municipal majority being labeled LREM, LR or Horizons, the new party created by Édouard Philippe, Prime Minister from 2017 to 2020 and support of Macron, the probability that the northern Moselle capital will vote for the outgoing president is relatively strong.

Unless Marine Le Pen’s program ends up convincing beyond the traditional eurosceptics in a basin where cross-border workers represent 50% of the working population.

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