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Presidential 2022. Take part in the great debates of the campaign

How not to be satisfied with the speeches of the candidates, experts and commentators and give the floor to citizens on the occasion of this presidential campaign 2022? In order to better describe this crucial period for the future of our country, we wondered about the best way to involve our readers and their concerns in the debates which will thrill France in the coming months.

Throughout the coming weeks, we will therefore be opening new spaces in your newspaper, on websites and applications in order to report on the events that mark the march towards the election of April 10 and 24, 2022.

Of course, every day, our journalists are already describing and deciphering the news and issues of this election which promises an intense campaign, with a scenario far from being written in advance.

Our role as local media also means bringing democracy to life, giving citizens a voice. That is why we are opening this space for debate, which is articulated on two levels.

First of all our main witnesses. With the Odoxa institute, approved by the polls commission, we have built up from a recruitment campaign in the 23 departments covered by the 9 regional dailies of our EBRA press group (1), a panel of 172 readers. Of all ages and from all professions, these men and women, candidates to participate in the operation, are representative of the 13 million inhabitants of this France which stretches from Avignon to Thionville. They expressed their desire to go beyond the controversies and the vagaries of the campaign to tackle the basic issues, those which impact both the daily life of each and the collective future of the country on this planet threatened by global warming. .

Energy prices, purchasing power, food, clean transport, working time, old age, retirement age, global warming … Each week will give rise to a question and a debate on a theme as well as to an editorial file published on websites and in newspapers. These major witnesses will compare their points of view on the major subjects that feed the candidates’ programs. And their exchanges can, on our platform, be enriched by the contributions of all our readers.

Because our greatest wish is that alongside the Great Witnesses, you seize this opportunity to express your opinions, question us and debate in a courteous and constructive spirit on the subjects which will be presented to you each week. This space is also yours. Go to the debate space dedicated to the presidential election on your newspaper’s website.

1. The Ebra group brings together nine regional press titles including your newspaper, distributed in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Grand Est regions.

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