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Presidential 2022: and if the French were ready for liberalism (…)

54% of the French want a liberal president. This is the result of the barometer Harris-Challenges voting intentions for the presidential election. This result is consistent with those of the FIFG. It remains to be seen what this liberalism is, because the French are also 58% to want an ecological and feminist president. They are also 62% to ask for a reduction in nuclear power. In addition, 76% of LREM voters would be in favor of a liberal candidate, no doubt considering that their champion, Emmanuel Macron, is liberal.

The term “liberalism” has been overused for many years, and has been particularly so during this five-year period. It is therefore appropriate, before rejoicing in the results of the survey, to ask what liberalism may be, which 54% of French people call their vows. Is this a libertarian liberalism, which would allow for GPA and euthanasia? A libertarian liberalism, which would remove all taxes and regulations? Of a “supranational” liberalism, which would open wide borders and abolish the army? After a year and a half of all kinds of constraints, the French seem to need more freedoms. But they don’t really know which ones.

We can however note that liberalism, whatever the definition that the French give of it, is more popular than socialism (43%), anticapitalism (38%) and communism (25%). Hopefully many of those who want liberalism want one that rhymes with ownership, responsibility, ethics and dignity.

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