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President Zelensky: Vladimir Putin Does Not Want to Stop the War in Ukraine

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, said on Tuesday evening, in an interview with Digi24 journalist Cosmin Prelipceanu, that Vladimir Putin does not want to stop the war in Ukraine, adding that “if someone really wants to stop it, do whatever it takes for this”.

President Zelenski held a press conference on Tuesday, where four journalists from Romania participated. He answered several questions about the situation of the war in Ukraine, but also about the one in Israel. Digi24 journalist Cosmin Prelipceanu was among those present.

Asked if he would shake Vladimir Putin’s bloody hand to stop the war in Ukraine, Zelensky explained that the Russian president does not want to end the conflict.

“I’ll be very honest. He can’t even decide anymore. He doesn’t want to finish anything, he’s not interested, it’s never going to happen. A handshake means nothing. If you want to stop the war you do whatever it takes to stop it, You talk to all the people who are ready to negotiate. Does not want. There is no one who is interested in returning to the relations that existed before with Russia. In his head, he wants to move forward, and it’s not just Ukraine, that’s the problem. He wants more, territories that were under the protection of the Soviet Union, I’m talking about Moldova, the Baltic countries. I think his idea is to take some NATO countries, which were part of the USSR, I think it’s about the Baltic countries”, answered Zelenski to the Digi24 journalist, Cosmin Prelipceanu.

The main answers given by Volodymyr Zelenski to the questions asked by four journalists from Romania during an interview given before leaving for Kiev:

– We don’t have time to think about all the problems. In the beginning, countries, including Romania, helped us. We are thankful. I was able to focus on the battlefield. No one helped us from the beginning. It is understandable. At first we were alone, really. I’m thankful we weren’t alone. Part of the support was that you hosted our citizens. When you have such a problem you have to look at the battlefield, realize what you need. You see there are shortages everywhere. We had to defend ourselves. Motivation is great, but it’s not enough. Thanks for all the packages. It’s about the signal sent at the beginning, very important. The fact that Romania supported us is very important. You know what we need. We received artillery ammunition, we were in short supply with that, not being a NATO country, we did not have weapons from the West, at first, then we switched to such weapons and ammunition, the people of the world, from the West helped us, sent weapons, you helped us with the artillery.

– The winter was tragic. We didn’t know how to handle it all. They were trying to manage many problems with few resources. It was cold, we had no electricity. We had power cuts, there was no heat. We are strong people, we don’t complain. We only needed electrical transformers at that time, various energy-related technologies and anti-aircraft defense systems. Today I received an important decision. Can you give us more? You decide. Do we have enough stuff? Not. I think you understand. When we talk about air defense there are many problems we have, winter, hospitals, schools.

– I am waiting for a positive outcome of the war, I am talking about how to get through the winter. Let’s work hard. If Romania can help us with anti-aircraft defense systems it would be wonderful. You have systems that we don’t have. We come with this message to all NATO countries – sometimes our neighbors are not our friends.

– When you want to be in the EU, have common values ​​with the EU, be part of NATO and support the NATO narrative, you cannot mediate these things. It is normal for some people to choose one way and others another way. They get technology, safety, we are not in the EU or NATO and we understand the price, what is this war. We just wanted to be independent.

Are you worried that the war in Israel will distract from Ukraine?

The biggest challenge is that you cannot focus on many things at once. You have to choose who you support, with money, with military assistance. To be able to support a battlefield you cannot open many fronts. It is understandable. After all that’s happened, it’s not enough for some people, they love blood, they can’t calm down. You cannot compare one war to another war. The people who create these wars are crazy.

Do you think Iran or Moscow had anything to do with this conflict?

I think some officials in Iran saw this situation. I am definitely on the side of Palestine. Russians rejoice, people die, someone kills, shoots, kidnaps children in Israel and rejoices. Do I support the movement or not? Did they prepare this operation or not? If you support the war you are part of the war.

Do you think Ukraine will receive more aid from the US in the context of the war in Israel?

Less, normally, it’s understandable, because it’s a big challenge. We are not fighting to support the US with Israel, we are normal people. We have what we have, we have to manage.

A large majority of people in Romania support the independence of Ukraine and believe that the war should end with the withdrawal of Russia, but some believe that Ukraine should make some concessions. What do you tell them?

We have some experiences. We had cold conflict on our territories in accordance with the Minsk solution. We had eight years of the Cold War, in which nothing happened. For them a cold conflict is very good. We had these experiences of frozen conflict in our territory and they did not want to find any solution. They just used this time to prepare better, to move forward, they did everything they could to gather artillery, ammunition, tanks, vehicles, everything they needed to keep them, because in wartime you use a lot ammunition.

What do you convey to American journalists who believe that some Ukrainian cities will be recovered soon?

We must not change the rhetoric of this war. There is no more Bahmut, there is nothing there, no people, no buildings. They destroyed everything. There is nothing left. That’s why you can’t say that you will release certain seats. We are ready to move forward in this territory. They have many bands there. We will be successful, but it will have to be renovated from scratch. We go step by step to the East.

Are you happy with the speed of the counter-attack?

There are many challenges, but the initiative is with us. We go further, ahead. We are losing a lot of people, but we are moving forward.

Is the world heading for global war?

I think Russia is interested in that, and I think it’s an interest that it didn’t have just once, but it’s a possibility to find attention from other countries. For some war is a tragedy, for others it opens opportunities. They want a long-term destabilization of the world. We see Russia in political isolation. To stop it we can only do it through global unity, big, strong countries. We need to see that they are all involved and that they can stop Russia politically. Pushing Russia is like giving them an ultimatum, but a humane one, that they have to get out of that territory, let’s find solutions and talk. If we decide that this is where the rules will be decided, this is where the new security infrastructure will be created, we will find solutions and I think they will work on other continents and territories as well.

Are you worried about the US presidential election?

Everything has an influence, every change. I can’t say that everything will be the same. I don’t know how it will be, who will win the election, but it is the decision of the American people. Trump would make some changes. I’m not 100% sure everything will change, I can’t be sure. There are institutions, politics works according to certain rules, Americans have their vision and values, and it is very important. Even if there is a radical change, people will stop you if you want to do something crazy. We fear it, to some extent. We have worked a lot with the US and if something changes, naturally we are afraid. I cannot assess to what extent these changes will occur, but yes, I fear.

What would happen if the pro-Russian parties won the elections in the Republic of Moldova?

It’s not a secret. I spoke with Maia Sandu. We don’t know what’s going on in Putin’s mind. We have to see what is happening as a whole, to look seriously. Moldova is one of the countries where they can blow up the situation, from the perspective of Soviet influence.

When will the war end?

I can’t tell you the exact date, I don’t think anyone, maybe only Trump, one day. I know that we are on the counterattack, that Russia will leave our territories. I think I know when, but I can’t tell you that either. It’s the last part of the war. It’s not his middle. The first period was the occupation, followed by stopping the advance and taking the initiative. I think we are in the last part. There are many fears we have, the money, the weapons, but we are in the last part, the hardest.

Is Ukraine ready to admit that the Moldovan language does not exist?

Honestly, I don’t see any global problem with it, it’s not a problem for me. I understand, some people would say that Moldova is Romania. For me this issue is not pressing. Our government will meet and take a decision related to this question, it will meet in two weeks.

I lean towards the decision to strengthen our partnership and resolve these issues. I’m sorry I can’t always think about these issues. For a country at war, that’s not a problem. The rulers will make the right decision and the people will be happy.

We have seen so many times, Russia takes any political question, especially when it comes to language. He said that we would have a problem with Russians in Donbas who speak Russian. Not. Now they killed them, although they said that this was the biggest problem, that people in Ukraine who spoke Russian had problems and were not allowed to speak Russian.

All these rhetorics, about religion, language, minorities, are topics that if Russia hears, it starts a strong disinformation campaign. They have a great capacity to create fake news. What the government has to decide, don’t give Russia a chance to unbalance you, divide because I need unity, governments will find solutions because we are on the same side.

You have two children. The Russians have made you their number one target. How do your children cope in this situation?

They are smart kids. I’m sorry to praise them, but I understand what’s going on, all the risks, all the problems that arise. We remained as united. They understand and see these questions in their eyes, I think they don’t want to talk about it, they don’t want me to be upset and think about other things and lose my focus. They help me and don’t put pressure on me.

Would you still run for election?

If the war continued, yes, if the war ended, no. I can’t run away during war.

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, arrived in Romania on Tuesday, where he was on an official visit. Zelenski met at the Cotroceni Palace with President Klaus Iohannis and at the Victoria Palace with Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.

“I arrived in Bucharest, Romania, for discussions with Klaus Iohannis and to strengthen our good relations. Ukraine is grateful for Romania’s support, which strengthens our state, as well as constructive solidarity, which allows our nations to be providers of security, especially in the food field,” the Ukrainian president also said,” Zelensky said on Twitter.

The President of Ukraine was welcomed at the airport by the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminița Odobescu.

According to the Cotroceni Palace, the visit, carried out at the invitation of the head of state, reconfirms the continuation of Romania’s unconditional support for Ukraine, in the context of Russia’s illegal war against this country, as well as the special character of the bilateral relationship between the two countries, its potential and the need for discussion, at the highest level, of projects and themes of common interest.

Editor : B.C.

2023-10-10 20:03:45
#Zelenski #asked #Cosmin #Prelipceanu #shake #Putins #hand #stop #war #Putin #doesnt

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