President Volodymyr Zelensky is offering Canada assistance in overcoming the consequences of large-scale forest fires.
Source: evening appeal the president
Direct speech: “We discussed in detail (with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Kiev – ed.) the consequences of the Russian terrorist attack at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. Canada is among those who can help us recover from this disaster. We understand each other in the steps that are needed. And we need it very quickly.
Of course, we will not stand aside from the elements that Canada is currently going through.
Large-scale forest fires, colossal natural losses and a threat to people … Ukraine is ready to help with extinguishing fires if Canada needs such international assistance.”
Details: Zelensky noted that the Ukrainian meaning for international relations lies precisely in the fact that “we must take care of each other whenever support is needed, and really help.”
“I’m sure it will become global principles. Mutual action, mutual support, mutual strength,” he added.
What came before: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in Kiev on Saturday that Canada will take part in a multinational effort to train Ukrainian fighter pilots and will provide Kiev with a new CAD$500 million ($370 million) military aid package.
He also announced the provision of 10 million Canadian dollars to help flood victims after the explosion at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.
2023-06-10 16:53:29