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President Yoon meets Biden for ’48 seconds’ … Korea-US summit ultimately fails

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During President Yoon Seok-yeol’s trip to New York, the US-Korea summit and the Korea-Japan summit failed.

First of all, let me tell you about the failure of the Korea-US summit.

The Korea-US summit with US President Joe Biden, announced definitively by the Korean government, did not end at the end.

The one-on-one matches consisted of standing on the stage of an event in New York to say hello for 48 seconds.

The presidential office explained that it was “due to President Biden’s change of plans” and that “the amount of time the two leaders met is not important”.

First of all, this is reporter Lee Ki-joo.

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The seventh meeting on the financial commitment of the Global Fund was held in New York, United States, around 5:00 am today, our time.

After a commemorative photo shoot, at the end of the event, the heads of the villages exchange greetings on stage.

President Yoon Seok-Yeol waited on stage for US President Biden and had a smiling conversation.

President Yoon and President Biden had a conversation for 48 seconds.

The Korea-US summit failed and was replaced by a 48-second match.

Attendance at the financial commitment meeting was not originally part of President Yoon’s schedule.

Shortly after arriving in the United States from London, President Yoon decided to attend the meeting and waited for President Biden when the Korea-US summit was canceled due to a change in President Biden’s schedule.

[윤석열 대통령]

“I would like to add more strength to the international community’s efforts to strengthen the global health system. The Republic of Korea will contribute a total of $ 100 million over the next three years.”

And it was only after the meeting was over that I had the opportunity to have a brief conversation with President Biden.

In response, the presidential office said, “As President Biden’s domestic political agenda shortened New York’s diplomatic program, staff on both sides have taken emergency measures.”

Regarding the controversy over the “48-second meeting”, he retorted: “During this tour, I had a total of three meetings with President Biden in London and New York.

He said he also discussed outstanding issues such as the US inflation reduction law that disadvantages Korean manufacturers.

[김성한/대통령실 국가안보실장]

“President Yoon met with President Biden on several occasions during his visits to London and New York. They discussed important issues such as the US law on reducing inflation, cooperation for financial stabilization and restrictions on expansion.”

Asked if they were able to discuss all outstanding issues in 48 seconds, the presidential office said: “It was a method that the labor-level staff had sufficiently consulted in advance and that the leaders of South Korea and the United States approved it “.

However, the White House press release did not mention that they were discussing a bill to reduce inflation.

The Office of the President has publicly announced that a South Korea-US summit was scheduled before leaving for the tour.

It was explained that “there was an emergency situation for President Biden’s change of plans”, but in the end the summit did not take place, and rather the controversy of the “48-second meeting” is added.

I’m Lee Ki-joo from MBC News in New York.

Video Coverage: Park Jong-il, Kim Hee-gun / Video Editing: Kim Jong-un

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