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President Yoon “I feel very reassured”… Encouraging construction cadets on a security field trip


President Yoon “I feel very reassured”… Encouraging construction cadets on a security field trip




Entered 2024.10.26 12:02 Modified 2024.10.26 12:03 Reporter Kim Chan-ju ([email protected])

President’s Office “Respecting heroes in uniform, the president’s usual philosophy”

The security tour of the Presidential Office for cadets is intended to boost self-esteem.

President Yoon Seok-yeol makes a surprise visit to the Air Force Academy cadets who came on a field trip to the Presidential Office in Yongsan, Seoul on the 25th to encourage them. ⓒProvided by the President’s Office

President Yoon Seok-yeol encouraged the Air Force Academy cadets who came on a security field trip to the Yongsan Presidential Office and said, “I feel so reassured to see you all.”

According to a written briefing by Presidential Office Spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon on the 26th, President Yoon visited without notice the 187 fourth-year cadets of the Air Force Academy who had visited the Presidential Office on a security tour the previous day (25th).

Spokesperson Jeong explained, “The president’s ‘surprise encouragement’ (on this day) was a manifestation of the president’s usual philosophy, including respect for heroes in uniform.”

Spokesperson Jeong said that President Yoon asked the cadets if the field trip went well and expressed his regret, saying, “If I had known in advance that you were coming, I would have personally served you lunch and introduced you to the President’s Office.”

President Yoon took a commemorative photo with the cadets in front of the Presidential Office building while shouting the Air Force Academy’s ‘Eagle slogan’ together. Jeong Jin-seok, Chief of Staff of the President’s Office, also attended the event.

Security tours for fourth-year cadets at the Army, Navy, and Air Force Academy have been conducted since the Presidential Office was moved to Yongsan. Spokesperson Jeong said, “The purpose is to instill pride in the cadets who will dedicate themselves to the country and people at the forefront of national security.”

On this day, the cadets were dispatched to the Ministry of National Defense and the Presidential Office and toured the Presidential Office office space, State Council Hall, Security Office, Crisis Management Center, and Children’s Garden under the leadership of construction seniors working there.

In addition, the cadets heard a lecture from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the spirit and mission of soldiers and were introduced to each organization, including the National Security Office and the Secret Service, Spokesperson Jeong said.

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