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President Xi Jinping’s Congratulatory Letter Highlights Importance of China-Europe Freight Trains in World Economic Development

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 15th: Injecting new impetus into world economic development—President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the China-Europe International Cooperation Forum to gather forces for cooperation and development

Xinhua News Agency reporter

“To make new and greater contributions to promoting global economic development, enhancing the well-being of people of all countries, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.” On September 15, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the China-Europe Railway International Cooperation Forum, which triggered a warm response inside and outside the venue. Everyone said that President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter clarified the important role of China-Europe freight trains in world economic development, pointed out the direction for further promoting the high-quality development of China-Europe freight trains, and gathered the strength of all parties for cooperation and development.

China-Europe freight trains are an iconic brand in the joint construction of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. In the past 10 years, a total of 77,000 China-Europe freight trains have been operated, reaching 217 cities in 25 European countries, creating a new pattern of international transportation between Asia and Europe and building a new platform for economic and trade cooperation along the route.

“President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of China-Europe freight trains in ensuring the stability of international industrial and supply chains, which makes us very excited.” Han Boling, director of the freight department of China Railway Group, said that currently, the types of goods shipped from China to Europe have expanded to complete automobiles. There are 53 major categories and more than 50,000 commodities such as automobiles and machinery and equipment. The categories of goods shipped from Europe to China have gradually expanded to include mechanical and electrical products, food, medical equipment and other commodities. The cumulative value of the goods transported has exceeded 340 billion US dollars, effectively promoting China-Europe Economic and trade cooperation has also driven economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood in countries and regions along the route.

Listening to President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory message on the spot, Dusan Nawuhan, the business manager of the Kazakhstan Railway Beijing Representative Office, felt deeply: “In recent years, the construction materials, machinery and equipment shipped from China to Kazakhstan through China-Europe trains have become more and more important. With more, Kazakhstan’s agricultural and sideline products and mineral resources can also be transported to China and other parts of the world more quickly, which has effectively promoted the development of Kazakhstan.”

Ruiya Logistics is a Polish company engaged in the transportation of goods between China and Europe. Gustaw Chojnowski, manager of its Chengdu branch, said: “China-Europe freight trains shorten the time for Chinese products to be shipped to Europe and increase the export of goods from Europe to Asia. The company hopes to find We will find more Chinese freight forwarding companies that are willing to cooperate and continue to expand the economic and trade channels between China and Europe.”

“Under the framework of jointly building the ‘Belt and Road’, China-Europe freight trains have greatly promoted free trade and facilitated the diversification of global logistics hubs. They are a new type of global public goods that enhance multilateral win-win outcomes and have contributed real strength to building a community with a shared future for mankind.” .” Singaporean political commentator Ong Desheng said that President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter has high aspirations, clarifies the global significance of China-Europe trains, and enhances the confidence of all parties in promoting the high-quality development of China-Europe trains.

Looking into the future, everyone expressed that they will continue to move forward hand in hand and jointly build the China-Europe Railway Express into a “road to happiness” that benefits people of all countries and a “road to prosperity” that benefits the world.

“President Xi Jinping proposed in his congratulatory letter that we adhere to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, which provides us with key guidance for the next step.” Liu Bin, deputy general manager of Jiangsu International Freight Train Co., Ltd., said that it will better meet industrial needs and export-oriented In order to meet the needs of the development of large-scale enterprises, efforts should be made to promote the construction of overseas goods solicitation system and help promote enterprises to “go out” and “bring in”.

“President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter points out the direction for us to further promote the development of China-Europe freight trains in the direction of higher quality, better efficiency, and greater safety.” Liu Taiping, general manager of Yuxinou (Chongqing) Logistics Co., Ltd., said that we will work hard to speed up the development of China-Europe freight trains. China-Europe freight trains are expanding their capacity and improving quality, actively exploring new routes, building distribution hubs, serving industry development, expanding the comprehensive functions of China-Europe freight trains, ensuring the stability and smooth flow of key industrial and supply chains, and fully integrating into the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and the New Western Land-Sea Corridor. Make greater contributions.

“Currently, the high value-added and high-tech products transported through the ‘Yi-Xin-Europe’ China-Europe freight train are showing a growing trend.” Feng Xubin, the operator of the “Yi-Xin-Europe” China-Europe freight train and chairman of Yiwu Tianmeng Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., said that in the future We will further improve our organizational service capabilities and digitally empower operations, accelerate our “going global” layout through cooperation in building overseas hubs and distribution centers, and improve the high-quality development of China-Europe trains.

Horgos is an important port on the China-Europe Railroad. Mao Ronggang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Commissioner of Horgos Customs, said that all customs personnel will give full play to the advantages of reforms such as the “Railway Express” model, support the implementation of the “standard gauge to broad gauge” project, and actively cooperate with the customs, railways, and Border inspections and enterprises coordinate and link up, strengthen follow-up supervision and monitor the operation status of trains, and go all out to ensure the “big in and out” of cross-border logistics channels.

“President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter points out the direction and provides fundamental guidelines for further consolidating and improving the high-quality development of China-Europe freight trains and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between China and countries along the route.” Xu Jianping, director of the Regional Opening Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that we will further improve The layout of the China-Europe train assembly center. Together with the countries along the China-Europe Railway Express, we will accelerate the improvement of the inter-governmental cooperation mechanism, coordinate and solve the problems of infrastructure congestion at ports, channels and other along the route, and ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the China-Europe Railway Express. Establish and improve the multimodal transport system of China-Europe trains, deepen safety management along the route, and jointly create a better international environment for the stable and long-term operation of China-Europe trains.

[Editor in charge: Dong Jing]

2023-09-16 07:09:00
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