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President Trump Threatens Upcoming President Biden | Abroad

Trump says that in a tweet. It is his latest swipe at his Democratic rival, who received the highest number of votes ever in the presidential election early this month. Trump himself garnered millions more votes than in 2016, but he nevertheless drew the short straw. However, he refuses to accept his defeat and recognize Biden as the winner. According to him, there was massive fraud in the elections.

He said Thursday, on the American holiday of Thanksgiving, that he will leave the White House if it turns out that Biden is indeed the winner. A college of electors will officially declare the winner next month.

If Trump hands over the key to the White House to Biden on January 20, he is unlikely to be able to play golf quietly at one of his country clubs. Trump faces a long line of lawsuits, which have been put on the back burner as a result of his presidency. As he threatens to lose the legal shard vest of his office, prosecutors and lawyers sharpen their knives.

In de podcast Trump vs. Biden – the fight ‘ Foreign editors Thijs Wolters and Frank van Vliet discuss what the US president can do during his final weeks in the White House:

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