Home » World » President Putin, who has lost support in the country, is worried about the “bursting” of total stagnation.

President Putin, who has lost support in the country, is worried about the “bursting” of total stagnation.

The dictator’s New Year’s loneliness portrayed by the US media

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a chemical plant launch ceremony online (December 28, 2022, Photo: Representative Photo/AP/AFLO)

(Yoshihisa Komori: Sankei Shimbun Washington Resident Correspondent, Distinguished Professor at Reitaku University)

An analysis has been reported detailing in the United States that Russian President Vladimir Putin, who continues to invade Ukraine, is becoming increasingly politically isolated in Russia.

While Putin remains a powerful force in Russia and intends to drive Ukraine into military submission, a new distance has emerged between him and his close longtime allies. It has also been warned that Putin’s loneliness in the new climate could lead to even bolder military offensives.

International isolation that emerges from the words of the allies

An analysis of Putin’s new isolation was reported in a lengthy Washington Post article (December 30, 2022). “Putin, unaccustomed to defeat, delves into isolation as war stalemate,” read the headline.

The author is Catherine Belton, known for her many years of reporting on Russia in the newspaper’s international news department. The journalist currently lives in London, but has worked extensively in Russia. In his book “Putin’s Supporters,” he details Putin’s political career from his time in the KGB, and sheds light on his supporters and aides, garnering international attention. . Also this time you conducted local coverage in Russia and Ukraine, and in particular you interviewed many people directly from the Russian side.

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