Home » today » Entertainment » President of the Deputies proposes to “regulate” some television programs that go against values

President of the Deputies proposes to “regulate” some television programs that go against values

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani, raised this Monday “Regulate” some television programs that go against values ​​established in society referring to the concern and the requests of citizen sectors of a regulatory norm for certain contents that are disseminated.

“There is a lot of concern and requests from society, from the institutions so that there can be a regulation in the diffusion of some programs, surely that we can work together with you journalists”Mamani said at a press conference.

He clarified that at the moment there is no bill to be debated in the Legislative Assembly and that they are only “ideas”, but he considered that progress must be made in a work that “benefits the Bolivian people”.

His statements:

“There are some programs that are against some values ​​that we have instituted in our country, then, they have to work with you ”, specified Mamani.

He did not identify any television program, but Mamani stressed that they are those whose contents and orientations cause some discomfort in the population. He anticipated that the work together with the press union could lead to a rule that regulates these spaces and contents.

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