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President Moon visited Gadeok-do… People’s Power “Explicit election intervention”


President Moon Jae-in visited the new airport site on Gadeokdo Island yesterday (25th). Minister Byeon Chang-heum of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, who expressed a negative stance on the new airport, also accompanied Gadeok Island. Secretary Byeon told President Moon that he was regretting it as if it had opposed the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. The opposition party insisted that “President Moon is blatantly intervening in the elections.”

This is Park Min-kyu.


President Moon Jae-in arrived in Busan with KTX.

From the first report, Gadeokdo Island New Airport will appear.

[송철호/울산시장 : 가덕도신공항은 사실상 영남권 신공항이 아니라 호남 지역에서도 위그선(배)을 이용하면 신속하게 가덕도신공항까지 올 수 있다…]

Then, President Moon went out to the sea near Gadeokdo Island on a fishing guidance boat.

[‘연약 지반’으로 치면 지금 김해공항 지역도…(예, 연약 지반입니다.)]

They looked at their location and empowered them in special laws.

[경제성은 물론 환경, 안전 같은 기술적 문제도 면밀하게 점검하여 가덕도신공항 특별법 제정을 추진하고 있습니다. 조속한 입법을 희망합니다.]

He emphasized that a close review is being carried out, as if conscious of the preliminary feasibility exemption clause.

At the site, materials from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, which were pessimistic about the new airport of Gadeok Island, were also put on the cutting board.

[김경수/경남지사 : 가덕도공항 건설비를 28조원이라는 그런 얘기가 나오는데요. 공항 건설비로만 하면, 부산시 용역으로 따지면 7.5조(원)로 돼 있습니다.]

Because of this, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum said, “Some media have seen it as if the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport opposes and regret it.”

The opposition party is in the position that the visit itself will be regulated as an intervention by the Busan Mayor’s by-election and will review whether it violates the law.

[주호영/국민의힘 원내대표 : 도를 넘은 선거 개입입니다. 대통령의 노골적 선거 개입은 탄핵 사유에 해당한다는 점을…]

The Justice Party, who opposed the promotion of the airport in Gadeok Island, saying it was a’ticketing airport’, raised the level of criticism.

However, the Blue House insisted that it was “a long time ago decided regardless of the by-election.”

(Video Design: Yunna Kim)

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