Labuan Bajo, located in West Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara, welcomed President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana during their visit to observe the preparation for the 42nd ASEAN Summit. Accompanied by his family, including his grandchildren, the President’s entourage received a warm welcome from visitors and merchants at the Batu Cermin Cave, where the President took the time to greet visitors and hold hands with his grandson, Jan Ethes Srinarendra. This trip also served as a final check for the ASEAN Summit, an event that Labuan Bajo is hosting. The President’s visit to the tourist attraction garnered much attention from visitors, including souvenir seller Finka, who exclaimed her excitement at seeing the President in person. Labuan Bajo prepares to welcome delegates with over 1,000 hotel rooms available for the upcoming ASEAN Summit. Follow ANTARA for more updates.