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President Joe Biden’s Baffling Cannibalism Suggestion in Papua New Guinea Stirs Controversy

President Joe Biden’s Controversial Cannibalism Comment Stirs Unease in Papua New Guinea

Biden’s Remarks Unsettles the Region While Attempting to Discuss Fate of Uncle During World War II

President Joe Biden’s recent remarks about the possibility of his uncle being eaten by cannibals after a World War II plane crash in Papua New Guinea have received significant backlash from locals and experts familiar with the country’s history. Biden’s comments, made during a discussion about his uncle’s fate, have stirred unease and cast a shadow on the U.S.’s hopes of strengthening relations with Papua New Guinea in the face of tensions with China.

Controversial Remarks Leave Locals and Experts Astonished

President Biden affectionately referred to his uncle Ambrose Finnegan, known as “Uncle Bosie,” and suggested that he may have fallen victim to cannibals after his plane was shot down in New Guinea during World War II. However, his remarks diverge from the established narrative provided by the Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, which states that Finnegan’s plane went down for “unknown reasons.” Biden’s comments have raised questions and concerns, prompting observers, such as historian Jonathan Ritchie, to express disbelief and criticism.

Unwanted Reinforcement of Stereotypes

Jonathan Ritchie, a historian at Australia’s Deakin University, highlights the negative impact of Biden’s remarks. Ritchie, who has extensively studied Papua New Guinea and contributed to a comprehensive oral history project, emphasizes that Biden’s statement perpetuates damaging stereotypes concerning cannibalism in the region. He asserts that such remarks, especially when made by the American president, are deeply upsetting and jeopardize the bilateral relations that Papua New Guinea deeply values.

Longstanding Bond and the Fallout of Ill-Advised Comments

The governor of Papua New Guinea’s East Sepik province, Allan Bird, reacted to Biden’s comments, describing them as “hilarious.” Bird suggests that the president may have been influenced by stories passed down by his parents throughout his life. However, it is evident that Biden’s ill-advised comments have created a rift and caused serious damage in a relationship that the people of Papua New Guinea consider significant. Papua New Guinea’s extensive support to the American military during World War II has fueled a long-standing bond between the two nations.

Implications for U.S.-Papua New Guinea Relations

The United States has been actively pursuing enhanced cooperation and closer ties with Papua New Guinea amid growing tensions in the Pacific with China. Political scientist Michael Kabuni emphasizes that while cannibalism has been historically practiced in certain contexts in Papua New Guinea, referring to it out of context is unacceptable and perpetuates false beliefs. Kabuni’s statement resonates with concerns that Biden’s comments may hinder the United States’ ongoing efforts to build stronger relationships with the Pacific nation.

In response to the backlash, White House spokesman Andrew Bates reaffirmed Biden’s pride in his uncle’s service, highlighting that Ambrose Finnegan lost his life during a military aircraft crash in the Pacific after taking off near New Guinea.

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