Home » today » News » President Jean-Pierre Giran Presents First Wishes as President of Metropolis Toulon Provence Mediterranean (TPM) at Liberty Theater of Toulon

President Jean-Pierre Giran Presents First Wishes as President of Metropolis Toulon Provence Mediterranean (TPM) at Liberty Theater of Toulon

As a man keen on culture, Jean-Pierre Giran was clearly delighted to present his first wishes as president of the Metropolis Toulon Provence Mediterranean (TPM) au Liberty Theater of Toulonnational scene shared with Châteauvallon (Ollioules).
« Culture is at home in the Metropolis. We need it, it’s the best defense against ignorancehe said at the start of his speech, thanking each of those present, specifying that if TPM continues its action, this is because it is led by high-quality staff, under the leadership of Valérie Paecht, our general director of services, who, like me, has the desire to ensure continuity ».
President Giran highlighted the role of his fellow mayors (in Hyères concerning him), which “ act in the best interests of the institution, despite differences that sometimes do not last long in the face of everyone’s desire to serve the Metropolis ».

Metropolitan identity

According to him, the essential is well in place within this territory “ blessed by the gods » of more than 450,000 people, with natural attractions widely appreciated, from the coast to the interior, by the inhabitants and the numerous summer visitors, at the heart of the leading tourist department in France, outside Île de France.

Respect for the individual identity of the 12 municipalities also, with a central city which “ don’t crush your neighbors », unlike other examples which, as it happens, are not really examples. It is about “ the harmony of the Metropolis » for Jean-Pierre Giran, recognizing the efforts of everyone to take a step towards others in the name of the freedom of all, while recalling a certain number of constraints measured on a daily basis on the ground.

« On the strongest projects and ambitions, it will be necessary to ask the question of means and objectives, to make collective choices and selections. It’s a priority. »

Firstly on the budgetary level, considering that “ from now on, on the strongest projects and ambitions, it will be necessary to ask the question of means and objectives, to make collective choices and selections. It’s a priority ». Legal constraints too, given the overflowing imagination of parliamentarians who accumulate them, including in a contradictory manner« dictated by a certain schizophrenia of the State “. For the President of the Metropolis, subjects of great importance previously took the time of one mandate to be completed, then of two mandates, and, according to him, it will now take three, ” given the growing complexities “, he lamented in substance.

In this context of adversity, finding a metropolitan identity is a difficult challenge but potentially inspired by an exceptional environment and the culture mentioned in the introductory remarks. A wish at the start of the year likely to rally everyone around these common values.

2024-01-09 10:21:42
#Toulon #Provence #Méditerranée #wishes #shared #culture

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