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President Fabrice Tardy responds to criticism

Zapping Foot National Ligue 2: top 10 top scorers for the 2020-2021 season

Fabrice Tardy takes the floor. After the criticisms suffered these last, in particular from the Culs Rouges (shareholder of the club up to 6.7%), the president of FC Rouen (N2) wanted to respond and clarify the situation towards the “lovers and faithful” of the Norman training. Via a communicated published this morning, the leader considers first of all that “we have gone beyond comprehension following various press releases or initiatives, whether they are the assertions and accusations of mismanagement, the various insulting remarks as well as the astounding anonymous acts discrediting our club. The distressing unpacking tinged with belligerent accents undermines our image and our probity, “said Fabrice Tardy.

“Don’t ruin everything”

“Everyone will recognize themselves in this complacency to debate by sullying the image of the club, without offering lasting solutions to its development, by seeking only to add fuel to the fire by publicizing their actions in order to exist, he continues “, judging” vain to castigate a risky management without tangible evidence with a detailed analysis. The remarks tinged with systematic defamation eat away at us and destabilize the FCR in this unique period of health crisis with the end of the competitions. not all, ”he asks again.

“All the leaders, players, educators are living a period of turmoil, they have our deepest respect, our friendship, we must support them rather than corner them with words that are beyond comprehension, claims Fabrice Tardy. is a little big, the actions and the infamous words of a few, who only represent themselves, will not be able to shake the vigor of our club which we love so much and which will survive us. It is irresponsible to stir up fears , let us remain united in the face of adversity and slander. There will be no bankruptcy, the club is healthy “, promises the Norman president, before concluding:” Yes we are living a difficult period: Anyone can understand it with the end of our sport! Despite this the course is maintained and we will prepare for next season with or without me. ” Enough to calm tensions?

National Ranking 2 Group A

National Result 2 Group A

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