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President Erdoğan watched Leyla and Mecnun theater play

Erdoğan, staged at Beştepe Millet Congress and Culture Center “Leyla and Mecnuntheater has joined the representation of.

news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5e0e42bd7152d8247841b7e1">President Erdoğan watched Leyla and Mecnun theater play

Invited to the stage at the end of the game President Erdogan, General Director of State Theaters Mustafa Kurt and playwright Iskender Pala, congratulated the players.

news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5e0e42bd7152d8247841b7e3">President Erdoğan watched Leyla and Mecnun theater play

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Erdogan’s wife, Emine Erdogan participated in the program, Vice President Fuat Oktay, Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank, Council of State President Zerrin Gungor and Court of Accounts President Seyit Ahmet Bas was followed.

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