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President Duda Signs Law on Permanent Introduction of 14th Pension

President Duda signed the law on the permanent introduction of the 14th pension, his press office informed. The payment will be made on the basis of an ex officio decision. No application is required Decisions on the 14th pension will be issued and paid by the relevant pension authorities

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The Act specifies the conditions for acquiring the right to an additional cash benefit, called the fourteenth old-age pension, by entitled persons. This benefit is to be granted on a permanent basis.

14. permanent pension. How much will it be?

Pursuant to the Act, the 14th old-age pension will be due to entitled persons in the amount of the lowest old-age pension applicable from 1 March of the year in which the next additional annual cash benefit is paid – for persons whose basic benefit before deductions, deductions and reductions does not exceed PLN 2,900; the amount of the lowest old-age pension, applicable from 1 March of the year in which the next additional annual cash benefit is paid, reduced by the amount of the difference between the amount of the basic benefit before deductions, deductions and reductions and the amount of PLN 2,900, the amount of which, before deductions, deductions and reductions, exceeds PLN 2,900.

More text below the video.

The Act provides for the possibility of determining a higher amount of the 14th old-age pension. The Council of Ministers, no later than by 31 October of a given year, by way of an ordinance, will be able to specify a higher amount of the next additional annual cash benefit than the amount of the lowest old-age pension. It was also proposed that the amount of the 14th old-age pension should amount to at least PLN 50. If the amount of the next additional annual cash benefit is lower than PLN 50, this benefit will not be granted.

The act also stipulates that the granting of another additional annual cash benefit will be made ex officio on the basis of a decision. The Council of Ministers is to specify, by regulation, no later than 31 October, the month of payment of the next additional annual cash benefit in a given year.

Decisions on the 14th pension will be issued and paid by the competent pension authorities. In the event of the concurrence of the right to benefits that are paid by two bodies, decisions are issued and another additional annual cash benefit is paid by the Social Insurance Institution.

The Act enters into force 14 days after its announcement, with a few exceptions, which will come into force on January 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

2023-07-21 11:59:10
#president #decided #fourteen

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