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President Biden Launches Digital Ad Campaign Targeting Nikki Haley Supporters: Effort to Woo Republicans Disinclined to Vote for Donald Trump

President Biden’s Campaign Targets Nikki Haley Supporters in New Digital Ad

Biden’s Effort to Win Over Republicans and Bolster His Reelection Chances

President Biden’s reelection campaign has launched a strategic digital ad aimed at supporters of Nikki Haley, the former Republican presidential candidate who recently dropped out of the race. This move is a part of Biden’s overarching mission to win over Republicans who may be disinclined to vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

The campaign, which has allotted over $1 million for the ad across various digital platforms, plans to run the spot for three weeks in battleground states. This initiative is a part of a broader campaign launched by Biden’s team, including a $30 million ad buy following the president’s March 7 State of the Union address.

The digital ad is strategically designed to highlight instances of Trump denigrating Haley during campaign rallies and making disparaging remarks about not needing her supporters. With powerful clips and direct messaging, the ad emphasizes Trump’s stance to Haley supporters, “If you voted for Nikki Haley, Donald Trump doesn’t want your vote. Save America. Join us.”

The Biden campaign has been actively reaching out to Haley’s supporters and donors since her withdrawal from the race. President Biden backed Haley’s strong stance on Trump, pointing out the chaos that follows him, his inability to discern right from wrong, and his subservience to Vladimir Putin. Biden has explicitly communicated that there is a place for Haley’s supporters in his campaign.

Biden’s campaign officials, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Rufus Gifford, have been engaging with members associated with Haley’s campaign in an effort to recruit them. In line with this approach, Biden allies are even discussing organizing a fundraiser dedicated to Haley supporters in the near future. The campaign has adapted its strategies according to the electorate’s specific preferences, leveraging election results in certain states to locate likely Haley voters. They aim to target voters who are slightly older, college-educated, and more suburban, using Haley’s performance against Trump in specific Zip codes as a benchmark.

Haley’s Stand and Trump’s Response

Following Haley’s departure, she has yet to endorse a specific candidate in the presidential race. In the latter stages of her campaign, however, she became increasingly critical of Trump, even though she served in his administration as the ambassador to the United Nations. Trump expressed his initial disapproval, explicitly stating that Haley supporters would be permanently banned from his camp. However, after Haley dropped out, Trump invited her supporters to join his movement, though within subsequent comments, he suggested that winning over Haley voters might not be a high priority.

Haley’s speech upon suspending her campaign demanded that Trump work to earn the votes of her supporters, and her brother expressed his disappointment in Trump’s lack of effort. Some Haley supporters remain skeptical that Biden’s ad will be successful in winning them over, as their policy views are closely aligned with Trump’s despite any reservations they may have with his style.

Republican strategist from Haley’s camp highlighted the challenges the Biden campaign may face in appealing to Haley supporters with their leftward shift during the general election. Especially policies such as Biden’s criticism of the Israeli government’s conduct in the Gaza war and Vice President Harris’s visit to an abortion clinic, which are out of step with Haley’s supporters.

Crucial Importance of Haley’s Supporters in the Upcoming Election

Though Trump won most of the Republican primary contests, Haley managed to garner hundreds of thousands of voters in key battleground states. These voters play a crucial role, especially as the 2020 election witnessed Biden narrowly defeat Trump in states like Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.


Interviews with Haley supporters during her campaign revealed different opinions on who they would support in her absence. Some indicated they would shift their support to Trump, while others leaned towards Biden. A few supporters remained undecided or contemplated abstaining from the race. Furthermore, some expressed their concerns about Biden’s age, as he is 81, while Trump is 77.

A poll conducted in February by Quinnipiac University revealed that 49% of Republican-leaning voters who supported Haley for the nomination would vote for Trump in the general election, while 37% would support Biden. A portion of respondents indicated they would abstain from voting, support another candidate, or were yet to decide.

Biden’s Fundraising Success and Financial Advantage

Biden’s campaign has recently witnessed a striking rise in campaign funding, establishing a substantial financial advantage over Trump. One noteworthy event included a fundraiser at New York’s Radio City Music Hall, attended by former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, which successfully raised over $25 million. As of the end of February, Biden’s campaign has $155 million in the bank, significantly aiding his reelection campaign.

Note of Correction

Correction: In a previous version of this article, it was inaccurately stated that Donald Trump won all the Republican primaries in the 2024 presidential race. This is not accurate. Nikki Haley secured victories in the Vermont and D.C. GOP primaries. We apologize for the error.

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