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President Biden Begins Using Respirator to Treat Breathing Interruption While Sleeping

White House spokesman Andrew Bates announced Wednesday that President Joe Biden has started using a respirator while he sleeps to treat his breathing interruption.

Biden suffers from periods of cessation of breathing, and scientists say that this matter may be repeated about twenty times in one night, and therefore, according to the White House, he resorted to using a “continuous positive airway pressure device.”

During his interview with the press before traveling to Washington, signs of the device were visible under his left ear and on his neck.

Since 2008, the US President has revealed that he suffers from sleep apnea, through medical reports that were published at the time. The White House confirmed that the president used the device for the first time on Tuesday-Wednesday night.

Bates indicated that Biden aspires to improve the quality of his sleep.

Recently, the lapses of the Democratic candidate for the 2024 presidential elections have increased, and he has fallen to the ground more than once, which has led to almost permanent reactions at the media and popular levels.

Recently published opinion polls in the United States indicated that the majority of Americans are concerned about the advanced age of the president, as 73% last April considered that Biden is too old to work in the government field.

#Biden #started #respirator #sleeping
2023-06-29 10:33:49

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