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“President Biden and Jordan’s King Abdullah II Warn Against Israeli Invasion of Rafah in Gaza”


President Biden and Jordan’s King Abdullah II have issued a joint warning against an Israeli invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza. This is a significant event as it marks the first time the president has stood alongside an Arab leader to voice reservations about Israel’s onslaught in the Palestinian enclave. Biden emphasized the need for a credible plan to ensure the safety of the more than 1 million people sheltering in Rafah, who are currently exposed and vulnerable. King Abdullah was more direct, stating that an Israeli attack on Rafah would create another humanitarian catastrophe. Both leaders called for a lasting ceasefire and an end to the war.

Panic is mounting in Rafah as Israel plans to target the city, which borders Egypt and is currently housing around 1.3 million Palestinians who have fled there under Israeli orders. U.S. officials have privately expressed concern that Israel is not close to eliminating Hamas, the stated goal of its military campaign. Biden has been working on a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas, aiming for a six-week pause in the fighting in exchange for the release of remaining Israeli hostages held by Hamas. He believes this could lay the groundwork for a permanent end to the war.

Despite growing criticism from Arab-American and Muslim voters over his support for Israel, Biden found an ally in King Abdullah. The president highlighted the suffering of Palestinians and acknowledged the pain on both sides. Jordan, with its large population of ethnic Palestinians, is seen as key to any long-term American vision for the Middle East. Biden has called for planning a Palestinian state after the war, which would require reforming the Palestinian Authority. Jordan would play a central role in this effort.

Biden has faced criticism for his handling of the war, particularly from Arab Americans and younger voters. Abdullah’s visit to Washington comes at a critical time as tensions rise between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over civilian casualties, humanitarian aid, and the rejection of a Palestinian state. U.S. officials are highly concerned about Netanyahu’s announcement of an upcoming military operation in Rafah. Abdullah’s visit is part of his international tour to mobilize support for a ceasefire, protection of civilians, and increased humanitarian aid.

During their meeting, Abdullah also discussed the rising violence in the West Bank, where more than 370 Palestinians, including 100 children, have been killed in clashes with Israeli military forces and violent settlers. Biden has issued sanctions against four West Bank settlers for violence against Palestinians. The meeting between Biden and Abdullah also marks the first visit since three U.S. military members were killed in an attack by Iranian-backed militias.

Abdullah’s visit to Washington aims to garner international support for an immediate ceasefire and the protection of civilians in Gaza. He will also meet with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and members of Congress to discuss the ongoing conflict. Abdullah reiterated the need for a two-state solution, with an independent Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Both leaders hope that their joint warning will help bring an end to the violence and suffering in the region.

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