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President and Associations Warn Against Reintroducing Internal Border Controls in European Union

(via dts)

President of the BGA warns against the reintroduction of internal border controls

The President of the Federal Association of Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA), Dirk Jandura, has warned of the possible economic consequences of a European asylum reform. In particular, the return to national borders within the EU would be a disaster for wholesale and foreign trade, he emphasized to the “Handelsblatt”. The EU internal market lives from the free movement of goods and services, which is also of great importance for jobs, prosperity and the supply of goods in Germany.

UK economy in critical condition after Brexit

In this context, Jandura pointed out the critical state of the British economy immediately after Brexit. Even the “chaos” during the temporary border closures during the corona pandemic only shows a fraction of the real consequences that threatened Germany. The BGA President also emphasized that Germany is already restricting itself without need due to the badly made supply chain law and the massive EU regulation. A further drawing of the border would be an almost unbearable blow to the neck for the economy.

Federal Association of Forwarding and Logistics warns of economic damage

The Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik (DSLV) also warned of the consequences of cross-border restrictions. The deputy general manager of the association, Jutta Knell, emphasized to the “Handelsblatt” that the economic damage could be considerable, since the free movement of goods would be hindered. Scheduled truck traffic in particular could no longer be carried out on time and delivery dates could no longer be met. Knell compared a possible reintroduction of internal border controls with a “relapse to the beginnings of the corona crisis”.

2023-06-08 07:26:17
#internal #border #controls #Foreign #trade #warns #reintroduction

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