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Preserving the Endangered Poitevine Goat: Winner of the Bronze Medal for Agrodiversity

Poitevine Goat, an Endangered Species, Awarded Bronze Medal for Agrodiversity

The Poitevine goat, an endangered species, has been awarded the bronze medal for agrodiversity by the heritage foundation. This prestigious award recognizes the efforts of a breeder in the south of Deux-Sèvres, who has a herd of 260 goats and is the only one in France to have developed a nursery for the species.

The Poitevin goat is easily identifiable with its semi-long hair, brown coat, legs, and white belly. It is a unique breed that requires dedicated preservation efforts. Since 2017, Mathias Chebrou, along with his daughter Charline, has been crossing France to sell or select the best of these chevrettes, ensuring quality genetics for the species.

Chebrou explains, “On a daily basis, it’s quite arduous work, but it makes sense because for 20 years, we have been selecting this goat, and we are helping to develop a breed that is low in numbers.”

The heritage foundation and the Ceva laboratory recognized Chebrou’s rigorous work and commitment to preserving the Poitevine goat by awarding him the bronze medal for agrodiversity. Pierre-André Masteau, the departmental delegate of the Heritage Foundation, emphasizes the importance of the prize, stating, “The importance of this prize is both the preservation of the breed, but what we do with it. Because when we talk about heritage, whatever it is, it’s not just to put it in a museum, to preserve it, it’s also so that there are outlets.”

Léopold Denonfoux, the host of the association for the defense and development of the Poitevine goat, highlights that while the number of breeders and Poitevin goats is increasing, the species is still considered threatened. He states, “There are 5,000 Poitevine goats in France. We were at 600 forty years ago. We are on a very good dynamic, but the race is not yet saved.”

The agrobiodiversity award, which has been in existence for 11 years, aims to preserve ancient agricultural species. Prior to the Poitevin goat, the Maraichine cow breed and the Barbezieux hen were recognized and rewarded for their preservation efforts.

The bronze medal for agrodiversity awarded to the Poitevine goat breeder not only acknowledges their dedication to preserving the breed but also highlights the importance of safeguarding and promoting agrobiodiversity.
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How does the recognition of the Poitevine goat with the bronze medal for agrodiversity highlight the importance of conservation and sustainable management of endangered livestock breeds, as well as the potential benefits of agrodiversity in farming and environmental conservation

Own coat, and distinctive black markings on its face and legs. It is a native breed of France, specifically from the Poitou-Charentes region, and is known for its hardiness and adaptability to harsh environments.

This breed has been facing significant conservation challenges in recent years, leading to its classification as an endangered species. The efforts of the breeder in Deux-Sèvres to establish a nursery for the Poitevine goat are crucial in preserving its genetic diversity and ensuring its survival for future generations.

The bronze medal for agrodiversity awarded to the Poitevine goat acknowledges the breed’s importance in promoting biodiversity within agricultural practices. Agrodiversity refers to the preservation and utilization of diverse plant and animal genetic resources in agriculture, which contributes to sustainable farming systems and environmental conservation.

By recognizing the breeder’s dedication and achievements with this prestigious award, the heritage foundation highlights the need for conservation and sustainable management of endangered livestock breeds. This recognition also serves to raise awareness about the importance of agrodiversity and the potential benefits it brings to both farmers and the environment.

In conclusion, the Poitevine goat, an endangered species, has been honored with the bronze medal for agrodiversity by the heritage foundation. This recognition celebrates the efforts of a breeder in France who has established a nursery for the breed, contributing to its conservation and genetic diversity. The award emphasizes the significance of agrodiversity in promoting sustainable farming practices and environmental preservation.

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