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Presence of ethylene oxide, retired Twix, Bounty and M & M’s ice cream, the company: Non-harmful levels

The recall notice was issued by the same manufacturer of the ice creams that are marketed in Italy by Mars Italia S. p. A. The company: “Eto level not harmful and ice cream close to expiry”

Due to the presence of ethylene oxide levels beyond the legal limits in one of the ingredients used for their preparation, some batches of Twix, Bounty and M & M’s ice creams have been withdrawn from stores and from the refrigerated counters of supermarkets. The food alert was launched by several supermarket chains that sell the products in question such as Coop Decò, Unes, and Iper. In detail, the notice dated 8 April 2022 was issued by the same ice cream manufacturer, a French company that produces and markets them on behalf of Mars Italia S. p. TO. . The ice creams recalled were in fact produced by Mars Wringley Confectionery France, in the route de Saverne plant in Steinbourg, France.

As Mars Italia communicates, the recall was necessary due to the presence of higher levels of ethylene oxide (ETO) to that indicated by European legislation in carob seed flour, one of the ingredients used for the production of ice cream. In detail, the products affected by the recall are:

The Twix Ice Bar sold in single packs of 40 grams, with the minimum shelf life set at 31/07/2022 (EAN 5000159484657);

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The Twix Ice Bar sold in packs of 6 pieces of 34.2 grams each, with a minimum shelf life of 04/31/2022 and 07/31/2022 (EAN 5000159484695);

The Bounty Ice Bar, sold in packs of 6 pieces of 39.1 grams each, with a minimum shelf life of 31/05/2022 (EAN 5000159483063);

The M&M’s Choco Ice Bar, sold in packs of 4 pieces of 63 grams each, with a minimum shelf life set at 31/05/2022 (EAN 5000159500678).

The unsold products have already been withdrawn but if you are in possession of packages attributable to the indicated ice creams, the invitation is not to consume them and to contact the Mars Italia Consumer Service at the toll-free number 800 303130. Mars specifies that similar products with expiration dates other than those indicated, as well as other ice creams produced and marketed by the group, are not subject to recall.

Mars: The level of ethylene oxide detected is not harmful

“Mars was informed of the presence of ethylene oxide (ETO) in one of the ingredients used in the ice cream factory in France in levels higher than those permitted by European law; these findings emerged following further tests carried out by the supplier of the raw material at the request of the French authorities following the same problem encountered last summer. We point out that the level of ETO detected is not harmful to health and that the ingredient concerned relates to production 2020 and 2021: therefore these are productions and deliveries dated back over time, we expect that the products have probably already been sold to consumers and / or consumed “they explain by the company, adding that” The expiration dates are in any case close so it is very unlikely, being batches produced in 2020-2021, that some consumers may still have the product stored in their freezer Other ice cream products are not affected by these issues “

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