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Prescription, IV votes with Forza Italia in committee. Bellanova and Bonetti desert the CdM

The I praise Costa it was rejected by the Senate justice commission during the examination of the law on wiretapping. The novelty however lies in the fact that Italia Viva voted with Forza Italia but this was not enough to avoid rejection: the vote ended in a tie (12 to 12) and therefore the amendment was not passed. Iv with the blues: the rift in the government, in short, is getting deeper. The winds of crisis are now really strong. And this is only the appetizer of what will happen on the evening of February 13, when the Council of Ministers will take place which will also concern the knot of the award Conte bis on the reform of the prescription. However, the two ministers of Italia Viva will not be there, Teresa Bellanova and Elena Bonetti. Both remain faithful to the line dictated by Matteo Renzi, who puts guaranteeism in front of justicialism and, at least on this, he is not willing to take steps back: their absence is therefore a way to reaffirm the distance on the issue of prescription. “We are against the Conte award and therefore for consistency we will not be at the Council of Ministers. The other parties of the majority will vote on the text of the Conte bis award,” explain the qualified sources of Italia Viva allHandle.

To learn more, read also: Mattarella tired of the arguments, the background on the prescription

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