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Preparing Snails for the Holiday Table: An Inside Look at Alsace’s Snail Farmers

As New Year’s Eve approaches, it’s a lot of activity among snail farmers, in other words, snail breeders. There are some eight in Alsace. On the holiday table, there can be oysters, foie gras, but also snails. An easy product to make, just put them in the oven and then enjoy them.

Final straight line for preparation before arriving on the tables

In Ostheim, near Colmar, at Carole Konradt, the snail producer never leaves her laboratory. She’s in the final stretch. The activity began in November.

This is the preparation activity before arriving on the end-of-year holiday tables © Radio France – Guillaume Chhum The snails ready to arrive on the table © Radio France – Guillaume Chhum


“The snails have been collected, they have fasted and they are sleeping. We have shucked them and prepared them, and now we are in the buttering business, with all the recipes we have,” explains the helicopter farmer.

Snails in a short circuit

On exploitation, 700,000 snails are raised. Carole started six years ago, she breeds big grays. Snails that grow in Alsace, with good food.

The snails were shucked for preparation © Radio France – Guillaume Chhum


“These are snails that we have outside in our parks for four and a half months. They eat around ten plants that we sow. Borage, burdock, dandelion and rapeseed in particular. To have a better shell, we give them gives wheat with crushed corn and mixed with calcium,” underlines Carole Konradt.

Snails that are eaten after baking, then head to the festive table. They can also be eaten cold, all year round.

To listen

Broadcast on 04/21/2021

Gros-Gris in the wok of Escargots de Caro in Ostheim

2023-12-23 09:15:57
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